Reality check
So this guy I have been talking to has started ghosting me for no reason and idk what to do. To keep it simple, we have went on a few dates (we weren’t dating, just to get to know each other) and the whole thing was wholesome and so pure. I thought we were hitting it off and having a good time, we have the same humor and everything so it’s not like it was awkward. The only thing is that my first language isn’t English so I have a thick accent but he said he don’t mind, that he actually liked that, anyways. On our last date, the mood was just so good that we kissed, the thing is that I don’t think I’m that good at kissing, I’ve only kissed like 2 people before that but that much. Fast forward, I don’t think it felt awkward after the kiss, we continued walking and talking like a couple would yk. The main problem is that when his father picked us up, we made out a lil in the car, which now that i think about it its disrespectful but not like we made sounds or anything, anyways when I got home we gave a last kiss. Afterwards he went to NY for 3 days and I noticed he was distant and responding after few hours but I understood bcs he was in NY with his family. When he got back home, he called out from work (we work tgt) and literally ghosted me the entire day. Tdy he responded to my messages and I quickly asked him if there was problem, and if I did something wrong, but he left me on read. Ik this is a lot but I seriously need a reality check from someone and tell me that if what we did was wrong. Also he met my mommmmm, which makes this so the more worst bcs if we really going to stop talking, it’s annoying now that my mom has met him and introduced themselves. I’m so disappointed bcs I really liked this guy and him ghosting me for no reason is so upsetting, like I didn’t do anything wrong.
this is not r/relationship_advice
27 02,2024