People forget that human are capable of growth
I sometimes found an incredible manga/hwa/hua where the plots is really good but people trashing it cause of certain character they dont find "good". for example as u already familiar in some bl, there usually some seme who sa/abused the uke in the beginning of chapters (drunk, forced, etc). ofc they're bad. again, OFC THEY ARE BAD (I'm not trying to be "r@pist apologetic" or something else u might accuse me to be). but then in a good story there would be remorse, regret, asking for forgiveness, making up for it & learn from the mistake. I think that's a good thing. there is GROWTH & CHARACTERS DEVELOPMENT. IM NOT SAYING EVERY STORY HAS THESE GOOD DEVELOPMENT. some just really is a trash that they are. but people so fast too judge these days, they don't finished the story, saw the slightest sa in a ch, drop it, & proceed to trash on it. I'd say, why don't u read it throughly first so u can fully assess whether it's really bad or it's turn out good.
just my 2cent, what about u?
slightest sa is still sa...
26 02,2024