I was at a mall with a child and then they disappeared. Apparently the child was my child or something because I was worried and I went around looking for them. At some point, I ended up getting the help of this man with his son. The man had blond hair, but his kid had brown hair and the kid was around maybe four?
So, I walk around with them, and I end up finding some place I think I went in with my child. The place is kind of weird and they made me wait outside for some ticket or something and when I got it and went in, there were these people in this pink room, dressed like barbie dolls and they seemed to be either doing drugs, or that weird looking pill thing was some group therapy thing - regardless, one of the participants was this women with excessive makeup and looked at me, wide eyed and told me to leave and that I shouldn't be here.
Then I left and the man and his kid was gone, and I went around. I went to what seemed like a jungle-themed clothes shop, then a sneaker store, then to the cafeteria to see if the child was there. Then I went to child services, except for some reason the child services desk turned into a store for kids clothes. Then I went in there and I suddenly remembered there was a second floor (???) and I went to the second floor. When I did, there was this like gap in the floor with railings - I swear it wasn't there before - and below was this really weird playground that looked like Picasso's cubism movement shoved in the shape of a slide. Idk why it was just creepy and it looked unstable and idk.
Then I turned and went into another store. By the doorway was the man and his kid, except his kid was older? Like seven and they just stared at me as I went inside. Then, I shuffled through some of the aisles of clothes. It was like black and white clothing with some semi-fancy dresses and I was calling out my kid's name when one kid turned around and said they were my kid, but I just knew (???) they weren't so I pushed them away and their parents came and took them away, except the parents didn't really seem to notice me.
I called out my kid's name again and she came running to me except she looked remarkably idk injured? But I wasn't concerned like at all??? Then I just went out and the man followed me and asked if I found what I was looking for. I said yes and we left the mall and there were a lot of green coloured stores along the way. I was at the parking lot and he was opening the door for me when I realized (???) that my kid was gone, but not only that, apparently I was dead (like, I thought over everything) and the guy in front of me was death or something. I was suddenly much farther away from the car, just watching the man and his kid stare at me, waiting for me to get in the car and I woke up.
This was so lucid that when I woke up I couldn't believe I was standing on the ground for a few minutes. Like my legs didn't feel like my legs.
It wasn't the worst dream I had, but it was certainly weird and made me really depressed for the rest of the day.
