Does any of you know Snailord? He is the author of Freaking romance and Death rescheduled on WEBTOON. I have been following his works for a while and recently came across these on a reddit post and it genuinely made me lose all respect for him whatsoever. Creating this post to spread awareness so none of you end up supporting this douchebag

I've only read one of his stories, um... nightmare factory (the one that got abandoned) and it seemed like it was written by a twelve year old. Like it was random and all over the place and the jokes were kind of strange.
Though to be fair, the person also sounded kind of like my teacher, like "I say this in hopes that you will so and so."
Like a manager can say, "I say this in hopes that you will so and so", but not a reader. Hell, not even someone reviewing your work, because it sounds like they're their manager. It just sounds pushy.
I have someone like that in my class. They're never rude, they just- say things like this, "This will help you..." or "To summarize personA and personB's points..." or "Although we've heard from personA and personB... I think we should move on to..." or "Do you remember what I taught you?" It's not rude, they're not unhelpful, it's just a matter of tone and phrasing that makes them so annoying a lot of people just straight up ignore her.
I'm sure the person writing the comment didn't mean anything. They're probably either someone old or someone who's really proud.
I'm not saying that Snailords (why does that name sound so- embarrassing) should have been so... aggressive, but it's not unfounded.
Hmm like I can see why this comment can come off as annoying to the artist but come on his webtoons have millions of subscribers he should be able to handle at least this level of criticism without throwing a tantrum
I would argue having millions of subscribers actually would cause him to throw more tantrums because it gives him a false inflated sense of self-worth. He thinks, "I have millions of subscribers that must make me a significant human being compared to these fools. Ah, a fool is commenting on something I've written, a fool is suggesting for me to improve - unforgiveable. And they're doing it somewhat politely? Are they insulting me hypocritically as well?"
Though he should have definitely been more mature about it. Most people shrug it off, but I guess it stabbed his growing ego too hard and made him consider the minute possibility that there are other works of art much better than his, which was probably terrifying in hindsight, the idea that there are better people than him.
Damn that actually makes sense
Kinda seemed like an overreaction but at least I didn't see a slur or something
he "held back" lmao bro acts like a 12 years old edgelord
this reaction seems warranted…the comment was iffy from the first place i dont think we should expect an artist (whos probably rlly stressed from weekly deadlines) to meet those kind of words (srsly it was basically if ur comic looked higher quality i would enjoy it more!!!! like what…) with kind words and understanding…id feel insulted too
The thing is he doesn’t even draw most of his stuff. He creates the story and the basic concept art and his assistants handle the rest. Now I don’t expect him to be understanding of the commenter but for him to be such a big webtoon artist and hurl such childish insults to someone who is just giving a constructive feedback? Absolutely wild. He is acting like a 12 years old edgelord when he is a full grown adult
i guess i can agree he is kinda making it a big deal. im not familiar with his works now or how he does things since i only know him from way back then when he was only doing snailogy. one thing ill point out tho is the comment is far from being constructive criticism. its was soo passive aggressive. he did mention he was already feeling cranky so maybe thats why he lashed out so much.
i understand why an artist would be mad after sm made a comment abt their art but it does seem a little? out of hand? but the comment was pretty passive aggressive so idk
Saying I don’t enjoy your story as much because the art is less detailed isn’t passive aggressive in any way
the last part of the comment is what throws me off, and just saying oh i would enjoy it more is sort of patronizing because you are expecting an artist who has to meet deadlines every week to change for one person? i think both sides could have handled it better though multiple stories does seem odd???
like i do agree it seems childish but if i were working on a webtoon and someone says oh its not the way it was i'd be pretty pissed
Taking in account that the said webtoon is a webtoon original with millions of subscribers I would say a comment like this wishing for the art to be as great as it was in the beginning is not a big deal at all. Like if your webtoon has one million readers then you are bound to get all kinds of readers and comments so it is really disappointing to see this kind of reaction from such a big creator.
i don't think this webtoon having tons of subscribers makes comments any less harsh- in fact it might make the comments seem more stressful, i just feel as if the commentator maybe didn't mean the criticism like that and the author shouldn't have posted so much unecessary things
Honestly I have said things thousand times harsher about webtoons I didn’t like but here, in an illegal site not under their comment section so I can see where the commenter is coming from
true- most creators don't really check comment sections even on actual sites so i'd be shocked too