Why people can't leave others enjoy what they like?
Excluding illegal or criminal stuff,... I want to know you're opinion on why people feel the need to lecture others to dislike what they didn't like or start hating or trash talking people for liking a serie that they didn't like and not fan of?
This is mostly related to Solo Leveling (I was looking on Twitter moots bc I want my Twitter feed full of Jinwoo's content. Yeah I'm simp)
I'm cringed out that people do this. It's no surprise that Solo Leveling use a common, straightforward and simple formula. And I'm weirded out that people can't understand that people can enjoy simple normal stories like this... It's like if the story does not have the same complexity of Tolken's books or deep philosophy of manga like AoT, then in their eyes people liking stories different to those deserve to be told "you shouldn't enjoy this".
Often I feel like their comments is emitting enviousness because they purposely comment on tweets saying x enjoyed the show (no mention of saying it's better than this or that).
Tbh I have series I hate and I can understand being frustrated yet I still believe it's very low and petty being mean or insulting those that on the other hand like that serie.
Because they have nothing better to do than make fun of others, which is proof that the value of their pathetic degenerate lives has dropped to the negatives.
3 reply
11 02,2024