What's something you might stop judging characters for in Manhwa
I might stop judging some insecure ones so much, cuz sometimes it's understandable, while other times it's annoying as fuck cuz the authors uses it to "brag up" the character while putting other ones down, I also don't feel hateful towards love "rivals" in stories when realistically they're really great persons and in a rare case or two have wished they would get together with the ml cuz it's the fl etc being jealous and pushy as fuck, but then again I don't judge them too hard either since no matter the age jealously happens when you like someone.
Having a hard time understanding your questions. But anyway I don't normally "judge" characters. I either like them or dislike them based on the traits the author has given them. That feeling may change based on their character development reply
Not getting over someone quickly, I used to be really pissed off when characters couldn't forget their exes, even more when they were abusive, but I've matured now. I can't relate but feelings aren't easy to erase reply