Daaang kids talking shit about other readers who actually enjoys Jinx, the fact that they talk like those who enjoy reading it are mentally broken and in support of inhumane behavior.... this is the side that you can't fathom cos your mentally incapable
What is it called when you can't tell reality from fiction?
-Delusional disorder is a type of......
2 reply
i know, i exaggerated other parts, it's written like that to emphasize on how badly it looks like to use overbearing words just to attack readers who are just enjoying the flow of the story.
i believe opinions are welcome no matter how they hate or love the characters. but attacking other readers using horrible words to describe them, it's not necessary, does it help them get through their trance?
it's getting toxic.
I have no idea if this was towards the reply I made but if it was then yeah everything you said is truthful.
I think sometimes it’s okay but in general it is getting toxic, I think the main problem is we can all understand each other viewpoints or agree with them at least. It’s them going back and fourth with each other constantly.
I hate to be that type of person { no I don’t } but can we literally not sit here and water down something people actually go through, like honestly this whole entire “rant” or whatever you want to call it is embarrassing.
For starters people who are hating on others for liking jinx or likening anything similar to jinx doesn’t mean they can’t tell the difference between fiction and reality it’s literally their own opinion, they find it weird that some people can enjoy this stuff and even “get off to it” others don’t find it weird and others do find it weird, two separate mindsets and countless opinions to why.
I can tell the difference between fictions and reality yet I still hate the authors stories and the other ones they’ve made, I have my reasons to why and so do others, just like people have their reason to why they might like it, does either mean their suffering from Delusional disorder? Of course not, Is it possible tho? Yes but not for any of the reason you stated.
I don’t get the last part either, people get attacked for liking it and people get attacked for finding it overall disgusting it happens unfortunately, it not like either side is completely delusional just different opinions.