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this post is so useless. don't get me wrong i am no pedo defender and i can understand the intent but this doesn't help anyone. how do you want people to react to this...? blocking people on mangago still allows you to see their posts and it's not like this post will shame any of these people into... changing? and it's not like anyone will be abl......   1 reply
26 01,2024
☆Kiara☆ 26 01,2024
Now I can see why people always ask "are theyre a pedo for liking a drawing or irl children" Bro your helping the word 'pedo' lose its meaning   1 reply
26 01,2024
Ah the name and shame for tastes in fiction. Very effective. One, calling them predators for having extremely questionable fiction taste just cheapens the term. Two, the first one looks more like a troll to me, judging by their bio. If you take a look at their 'favorite' list, the ones listed are very mild and wholesome. Third, many of your "ev......   2 reply
26 01,2024
CherryTree 26 01,2024
The people reading content with rape are not necessarily rapists IRL, i would be very curious to talk to a (psychotherapist) who has '' pedophile'' clients _ not all ''pedophiles '' are pedophiles! What is criminal is the criminal activity, unfortunately it seems people can be born (?) with a "pedophilic brain" :-( that's.troubling but those peopl......   3 reply
26 01,2024
why would you spend so much time deep researching pedo related stuff/accounts on this site, its kind of weird ngl you gotta be deep in this shit to find all this...and for what? out of the goodness of your heart to "warn" people that there are creeps on a porn site...i dont buy it, the only thing this is helping is helping pedos find links.   reply
26 01,2024
chlorine 26 01,2024
Bro I fucking knew you'd add those last two things I said@%^$&@%^$&@$%^@ You're so predictable and easy to rile up it's stupid   1 reply
26 01,2024
Well, can you do an online safety course for minors here too? That would probably help them a little. Seeing all these weirdos is mentally exhausting, we can try spread positivity next round.   2 reply
25 01,2024
pico 25 01,2024
you did a great job by pointing out this people but I don't think anyone would really care +how do you even found this people? It looks like you are reading this things to lmao also why you call out people when you are also reading wierd stuff? Like you read yaoi with priest It's disrespectful towards christians don't you think? Before calling p......   2 reply
25 01,2024
26 01,2024
Honestly, it's really sus you have a large amount of links i'm not convined with any of your excuses reading your replies...that doesn't happen naturally. Making this list does nothing anyways, it just brings more attention, streisand effect. Just like how people keep yapping against jinx/rape manga and look. It's still popular af.......   reply
26 01,2024
some of yall sound so mad for no reason, i just have to laugh like damn nga pipe down   4 reply
26 01,2024