We’ve been friends for 10+ years and we use to hang out a ton FaceTimeing pretty much everyday but now we don’t because they got a boyfriend and I was mostly doing the work to stay friends like trying to hang out and keep a convo flowing but they just don’t put any effort in like I’ll set a day to hang out and then the day of they will say they can’t because of work even if the told me they would be free and like with ft we use to just sit there and talk about stupid stuff but now they will just hang up when we run out of life updates or they will ask to switch to discord so there bf can join which is fine honestly but them I’m left out of any convos going on after that point / we don’t ft anymore and so I stopped putting in effort to keep convos going and I’ll get a few memes here and there but that’s about it they even forgot my birthday too and I’m just wondering if I should keep up this friendship or just let it die