Trans community; what's right n wrong?
A thread of yes or no n other ethical n moral issues.
1. Bathrooms; u identify as a girl. Does that mea ur allowed in female bathrooms n other places only for women?
2. Competition; u couldn't defeat men in their games, so u fight women in strength n other contests to get medals easily. Is that supposed to be justified?
3. Pronouns: can't judge based on looks, can't assume someone's identity. Have to respect their made up pronouns otherwise we're now the whole community hates as we're transphobes?
4. Gender affirming surgery: kids should be allowed to chnge their biology bcoz they dun think they belong to their natural birth gender?
5. Sex education by LGBTQ community to toddlers: why allow adult topics To be introduced to kids who don't have any idea of anythinggg? Why is that even legal?
1. Yes of course you are. Some cafes in my country have only one bathroom. If it's clean it doesn't matter where you fcking pee. It's literally fucking simple. It doesn't have anything to do with your gender.
2. Most sports categorise people with some specific details like their weight and height or idk muscle mass? I'm sure we as humans aren't st......
18 01,2024