Trans community; what's right n wrong?
A thread of yes or no n other ethical n moral issues.
1. Bathrooms; u identify as a girl. Does that mea ur allowed in female bathrooms n other places only for women?
2. Competition; u couldn't defeat men in their games, so u fight women in strength n other contests to get medals easily. Is that supposed to be justified?
3. Pronouns: can't judge based on looks, can't assume someone's identity. Have to respect their made up pronouns otherwise we're now the whole community hates as we're transphobes?
4. Gender affirming surgery: kids should be allowed to chnge their biology bcoz they dun think they belong to their natural birth gender?
5. Sex education by LGBTQ community to toddlers: why allow adult topics To be introduced to kids who don't have any idea of anythinggg? Why is that even legal?
y’all need some theory in y’all’s life (I realized I type very southern. Can’t escape my accent even in text smh)
1 reply
18 01,2024