im mad at him and he's mad at me idk what should i do hahaha we're classmates and we keep avoiding each other but steal glances at each other everytime we see a chance. should i text him first? because i know that if i dont, we won't talk to each other again.
If what you guys fought about is something arguably petty and fixable then it sounds like you should text him. It's better to at least try to fix the connection rather than let it crumble, no?
After a few texts it's up to him whether he wants to mend it or not, relationships (platonic or romantic) is a two way thing. So assumingly that it's both...... reply
depends, is it an issue of morals or integrity, or is it something petty? if it's petty, grow a pair and call him.
either way, a conversation needs to be had. unless of course, he was never that important to you to begin with, then who cares?
but considering you're struggling to make a decision, i think you already know the answer here. reply