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I have been using this website since 2011 but made an account in 2015 when ads started to come up now and then...   4 reply
14 01,2024
Prolly 2014 or 2013 users but i hope they dont come back cuz most of them were insane   3 reply
14 01,2024
I’ve been around since 2012-2013 but actually made an account in 2015 because ads were becoming annoying. I have spent a concerning percent of my life on this website and I have no plans on leaving. What I will say it’s kinda melancholy to see some of the most influential manga on this website fall into obscurity with time. Also to see the tro......   1 reply
14 01,2024
I've seen users from 2010/2011 which is crazy because 1. That's more than a decade ago 2. The manga that were being put out during the early 2010s were so bad, I'm talking batshit crazy and big square yaoi hands kind of bad   1 reply
14 01,2024
July 31, 2014   2 reply
14 01,2024
Been here since 2015. Time really flies huh   1 reply
14 01,2024
Definitely not me. But I've been here since 2019   reply
14 01,2024
I've been here since 2020 shocking how it's been four years already   1 reply
14 01,2024
I discovered this website around 2013. This website made me discover yaoi lol but I only started to obsessively use this starting 2015 and made an acc a year later. Was using another website before.   reply
14 01,2024
Man I've been here since 2015. It's really been that long huh. And to think, Naruto brought me here because other manga sites kept having Naruto taken down and that was so frustrating at the time   reply
14 01,2024

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