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For me, it's got to be A Guy Like You and Haou Airen. A Guy Like You just got so annoying. The couple was just ughhhhh, hated the uke. I never finished it and I never will, I just can't. Haou Airen just ripped my heart out, the story isn't bad but the way it ended.... I was traumatized.... I still am   reply
20 04,2020
17 04,2020
A Guy Like You. I can say I've never read worse thing. I enjoyed the beginning but it got so so bad over time and I was seriously forcing myself to finish it. Once I saw how it ended, I wanted to break something, so disapointing ...   reply
17 04,2020
Narutaru. One rape scene got me mentally scarred, so now I'm starting to feel physically sick each time I even suspect there might be rape scene with any character I got emotionally attached to. ╥﹏╥   1 reply
19 04,2020
Ok! I cant remember the name and I cant bring myself to search for it! But it was a short manga, men and pig people were at war, older brother sacrifices himself and allows himself to be taken to protect his younger brother, the older brother becomes a "bride" to the pigs... a terrible description I know, but honestly that manga was too much for me......   3 reply
19 04,2020
19 04,2020
Definitely that one with pigs who impregnate an elf guy after cutting off his limbs. I truly hated myself after reading that shit! ╥﹏╥   4 reply
19 04,2020
Classmate. If I could go back in time to when I hadn’t read it I would... but because I’m a stupid bitch I would still read it again ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ It’s just one of those manga that made me feel bad reading it, My heart literally sunk and I felt like fucking shit. I’ve never felt bad reading anything until that   1 reply
16 04,2020
Dude, preach. Some mangas you just cant unsee. Like honestly, you might think you read some dark shit but one day you’ll read something because you didn’t read the tags/ description and you’ll just be scarred for life with the images occasionally popping up at unexpected moments three years later... Not that I’m speaking from experience or ......   reply
19 04,2020
MADK, I just don't understand it and when i saw that dude fucking the demons intestines i LOST ITTT I forced myself to read it and all but i cant just get into it after all. And one that definitely deserves a mention is the heart of the red cloak uke is just straight up annoying like, the only reason the dude is alive because of a DOG?? Like pets4h......   1 reply
19 04,2020
Killing stalking is definitely on the top list for me, I'm still scarred from that hammer scene and I never bothered to finish it only to find out it has a whole ass fandom who worship this toxic torture and manipulation filled relationship just NO There was also this shingeki no kyojin dj about an omega levi who gets raped and impregnated by alph......   1 reply
20 04,2020
16 04,2020
Definitely “Dear, Crazy Monster.” Worst manga I’ve ever read   reply
16 04,2020

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