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and you shared this here because?   1 reply
09 01,2024
not once , BUT TWICE????   1 reply
09 01,2024
def kms like no way id socially recover, you're stage 4 cancer level fucked i think it's worse if your sister is younger tbh, like older might be a little more understanding but if shes your younger sister... yea you're like no chance of recovering, 300% mortality rate kys fucked, praying for you tho bro also who jacks off because they're bore......   reply
09 01,2024
This was me with my mf vibrator, my vibrator sounds quiet when it was under the blankets so nobody could hear it basically. I thought my room door was locked but my sister came barging inside my room and started to talk about her friends drama, I WAS SO EMBARRASSED!! My vibrator was still on and, I was panicking so bad I couldnt even turn it off AN......   reply
09 01,2024
How loud did you even moan bro xd? Also, make sure everything is locked before getting one out. And I mean EVERYTHING. It's better to get up and open the door for someone yourself in a presentable manner rather than they open your door when you're in the middle of it.   reply
09 01,2024
09 01,2024
09 01,2024

be a dumb bitch

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