Guysss I am so desperate for a part time job now cause my college fees is like no joke and and I don't like asking for money to my parents all the time and soon I am gonna be 21 so I need to earn my own shit I tried so many online jobs but most of them are like didnt work out for me??? If u all have any recommendations plz don't be shy and help me
in my exp (I’m not American tho so idk that system) the best part time jobs are in shops and restaurants and stuff ON campus bc they’re the most flexible on ur hours and recognise when u have assignments to do or it’s exam season etc. My friends who got part time jobs in the city instead of on campus struggled cuz these jobs weren’t as flex...... reply
Have you tried fast food chains? It's not online job but you can be hired as part time if you're planning to be a working student. If yo really want online job, then a call center job might be good reply
Girl work at cvs 10/10 recommend I fucking love it but maybe it’s only cause the ppl I work with and the environment is very very nice so idk how it’ll be for wherever you’re at 1 reply