
crazykitty crazykitty 2024-01-04 04:39:35 About question
if anyone is like “omg u’re doing this for attention” plssss don’t respond. i don’t like telling irls my problems. +don’t read this if talking abt eating disorders bothers you

i have a really bad appetite like it’s hard for me to get myself to eat anything. i’m also on medication that makes it hard to gain weight. i hate this soo much, it’s been so bad that i literally have a fever almost every other week. i get migraines everyday, when i eat or drink i feel nauseous, it’s horrible. i also want to be a better person, but when i feel like shit everyday i treat others worse. i try to hold myself to high standards, and i look down on others who are judgemental, but i act so rude bc i feel horrible all the time.

the main issue is that i like the feeling of being hungry, and when i’m full i feel disgusting. i also feel uncomfortable when other people watch me eat, so i don’t eat lunch at school. i thought i was finally getting better, but i’m still the same as before. i’m actually so sick of this but it’s so hard to stop. i talked to my dad about it but i don’t think it helped. we’ve already talked about it a lot but nothing changes. recently one of the few foods i enjoy has been hard to eat. i believe i’m very fortunate to live in a good area, and attend a nice school, but i can’t enjoy anything when i’m like this. what do i do mangago users?!?!!!!!


gupunk January 4, 2024 6:11 am

I had a similiar issue, but i did it to myself on purpose. When i moved though all my safe foods were gone and there was only junk food. I wasnt so fargone or well determined enough to go days w/o eating so i just caved and ate, and gained weight. For me it happened pretty seamlessly, so idk, maybe just try to drink calorie drinks that dont feel to heavy but still have a lot of calories and focus on cleaning or doing a task while eating so itll make you not think of those thoughts.

Fancy-man January 4, 2024 5:53 am

Hello fellow mangago user! I used to be in a similar circumstance. Sometimes it may feel like you aren’t getting anywhere but you have to remember there’s always ups and downs. Since you can’t make yourself eat meals try and eat small things. Like eat a bite of toast or have a really chunky smoothie. I used to feel guilt eating especially if I didn’t finish it, but sometimes you just have to let that go. Same goes with the feeling of being hungry. If you want to get better you need to let that go, I’m no therapist but it does sound like a form of self harm. Of course I am no professional but I just wanted to help, so peace and love my fellow mangago user (●'◡'●)ノ



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