SA in bls/shoujo

[DELETED] [DELETED] 2024-01-02 22:53:08 About question
Kind of a rant but whatevs

We all know how prominent sa/rape is in bl's and shoujo but i'm not here to talk about the romanization. What i want to talk about is how the SA of a character is always used to make the ml 'the hero'. I hate the "please make me forget about him" type shit authors pull, like no you shouldn't be having sex with someone that was just raped? And no someone who was just raped would not be having sex with the first guy they see after the rape.

Also the extreme trauma porn some BLS are, it's so obvious the author though "how bad can i make this guy life be?" And made the story. They want to show how rape is bad but then write and draw it extremely detailed and long and sexualized? That's fucking ridiculous, I'm okay with dark topics, i want stories to address how rape affects people but i do not want to sit through 4 chapters of that rape


kaGAYyama February 28, 2024 5:14 pm

You spoke my soul out with the rape chapters being detailed and long. Like yeah I wanna read and know about actual trauma and situation but making those rape scenes detailed is just an indirect way of showcasing your toxic fetishes which is pure disgusting

(✿❛◡❛) January 4, 2024 6:06 pm

I didn't know sa was prominent in shoujo

Drug store January 4, 2024 6:24 pm

It is, especially in older shoujo which are the main one i read cuz nostalgia

(✿❛◡❛) January 4, 2024 6:32 pm
It is, especially in older shoujo which are the main one i read cuz nostalgia Drug store

Thank god I didn't start reading shoujo then because there are plenty of good shoujo around to ignore the ones you are talking about

Drug store January 4, 2024 6:35 pm
Thank god I didn't start reading shoujo then because there are plenty of good shoujo around to ignore the ones you are talking about (✿❛◡❛)

Anything from the 90s/2000s/2010s has some sort of SA usually played for laughts so don't read shit from those times

(✿❛◡❛) January 4, 2024 6:50 pm
Anything from the 90s/2000s/2010s has some sort of SA usually played for laughts so don't read shit from those times Drug store

That's gross

Gin January 3, 2024 12:23 am

Yea it's a very prominent mindset in Asia, at least in SEA from where I'm from, a lot of people here would find these kinds of plot device to be sweet rather than problematic in the worse ways. Trying to tell them why it's bad always get me the answers of, "well we're all going to hell anyway" for reading gay contents which rubbed me off the wrong way

There're people with working braincells and then there's the bunch that look at "fiction meant liberty in contents written" and decided to rot their IRL interactions with people

Sunbeam Baebe☀ January 3, 2024 1:20 am

what a mood

(✿❛◡❛) January 4, 2024 6:34 pm

Those Bl fans who talk about how they're going to hell for reading gay stuff piss me off so much like girl I will personally bitch slap your homophobic ass either stop reading or stfu

i love women January 2, 2024 11:59 pm

ure so real for that especially the hero part bcs they all just go "its okay ill help u through it" but their definition of help is even more sex which is acc so fucking weird bcs as much as the person would wanna overwrite that memory itd be hella difficult to do so as theyd be struggling to even think abt sexual intimacy without remembering what happened

the bit abt how bad they can make the mcs life is also so true cuz whys bros whole family dead or either neglected him so badly that he ran away or got thrown out, whyd his dad brutally murder his dog infront of him when he was 5, how on gods earth did the bullies that bullied him to the brim of suicide not get caught by the school and why did his first love experience end in either him getting heartbroken or beaten up for being a homosexual

Drug store January 3, 2024 12:03 am

I guess people think as long something is "sad" it's good writing

Sunbeam Baebe☀ January 2, 2024 11:58 pm

Fr Chinese shoujo manhua, is the only rival for bl rape, like imagine the title literally being about your destiny/purpose being you getting reborn to sleep with someone which in most cases 9/10 happens through nonconsensual sex, likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



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