Anyone else have 2 or more dislikes on almost ALL of your comments?
I checked my comments and almost all of them have 2 or more dislikes. Some have 1 which is understandable because missclicks but others that had 0 before now got 3, even on the comment on an unpopular one shot from like 5 years ago. Is someone camping and disliking or is this a glitch (I think I remember this happening a few years back).
I don’t mind it I’m just curious. I’ve honestly said some dumb and questionable stuff so I support this act. But please dm me and lmk before you keep going cause I need answers.
i have 229 dislikes on one of them its my biggest flex lol
out of like 100 ppl who see your comment theres bound to be some who disagree or just feel like clicking dislike for no reason its the ratio that matters imo reply