Currently atm not getting over someone

BBYUN BBYUN 2020-04-06 15:25:05 About not getting over someone
I transferred to a school and one day I suddenly notice her, I thought it was just a crush and confessed to her on chat in first month of the school year Got rejecteed but i wasn't bothered. my feelings for her gone deeper uexpectedly after 5 months I still liked her and on that 5 months I made efforts to make her fall for me my birthday came ( feb 14) bought flowers and chocolate for her I even arranged the bouquet myself I planned to confess to her properly ( personally confessed to her) i got rejected.... It hurts a lot worse when you got rejected personally I cried my heart out after the confession but still even if I got rejected I still couldn't give myself to move on ven if I tried.. I really like her idk if this is love cuz I never fell in love before. I really liked her so I wouldn't give up I'm willing to wait for her but I don't want to be a burden to her so I'll just quietly love her :)


greenwhillchild February 9, 2025 3:40 am

Just stop. She rejected you. You're being creepy it says that you like the idea of this person rather than who they are and what they want. True love is respecting the other person, please move on.

kawaiiimin April 6, 2020 4:11 pm

I had a major crush on a guy who was 3 classes senior to me.TBH he isn't really good looking and is on chubby side but he's cute and his personality was amazing. At first it was just a simple admiration towards him because he danced really well. But after that without even knowing I started paying attention to him and the more I knew about him the more I fell for him. Before long I absolutely madly fell for him and started crushing on him. Our school wasn't really big so literally everyone knew I had a crush on him except some seniors I never talked too. I was the class clown so I was popular and very much liked, and they all were rooting for me but I never confessed because I was such an insecure and sensitive bitch. It has been over 7 years now and I still have feelings for him but not as much as I did before. He is in a relationship with someone else and I am sooooo happy for him but I just can't move on from him. Or maybe I have already moved on but right now I am not crushing on anyone because no one had ever got me in my feelings like he did. He was my first love too :))

Jakie November 3, 2020 1:27 am

I can relate on many levels. I had someone like that too. I met them before the start of secondary school and it's been over eleven years since then. We're friends now and sometimes things feel ambiguous(my perspective) but I'm not sure if my feelings are still real or just longing for could've been. I told them I liked them before graduation but nothing really came out of it since I had wanted to get it off my chest. Btw pretty everyone knew I liked him in junior school but I played it better in senior school, at least I think I did.

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