Why are you scared of love?How does it feel for you? (etc/closeness)

Roux Roux 2020-04-06 06:50:15 About fall for a same sex person
Why are you scared of falling or being in love, or something similar? How do you feel when you're scared of it?

I've never really cared about being in a relationship, I always have excuses as to why I can't be in one or why I don't want one. I constantly flirt around and blatantly tell people I don't get crushes/etc. I've only had one serious one, really the only person I've ever WANTED to date. Of course in the end, I broke it off. Like, I've had a lot of people ask me out and I always just say no, no thinking in evolved (except with her).

Even when she asked me to date her, I wondered if I should say no because I was so scared (but I couldn't let anyone sweep that lovely girl away). You may wonder, how were you scared? There are many reasons.

Before we started dating, I was always scared one of us would get hurt and I didn't know if I could bear being the one who would hurt her. Although, I think I got more hurt than her in the end. I always was nervous to voice jealousy or appear, 'selfish' I only voiced concerns when it physically made me really upset (she used to do things to make me jealous on purpose so I'd be more possessive. Even tho I hid that side of me a lot). I almost always put her feelings before mine except when I really needed someone (ie on depressed days etc).

Then when we started getting really serious, I panicked. Like really badly. She would talk about marriage, kids, the future, she was a planner. Sometimes it was fun thinking about seeing her in a gown or cuddling a kid on the sofa, but most of the time it wasn't. I felt trapped like I could be more free without a relationship. I constantly felt as if I was a bird in a cage that had been tamed, even when I wasn't that as she was mostly supportive of my hobbies/etc. We were long distance so that didn't help. I worried about if I'd accidentally cheat on her. I know that sounds horrible and I would've never done that (I have control plus she was my baby..), but I still worried. I worried to the point that it was the reason I broke up with her.

I couldn't handle feeling: Trapped. Worried for no reason. Or how scary it was to basically 'trust all of me' to her (I have some trust issues in the way, I hide parts of myself. I can fully trust someone else, but I can't trust myself to them? Does that make sense?)

So I broke up with her with a lame-ass excuse, even convinced myself that I didn't like her when in reality it took me months to get over her/lots of depressed days/some drinks.

I really think I have some form of commit issues or just that I'm scared of love, I don't know.

Anyways, please remember that love, although scary, is also healing. It helps you. Even when I was terrified of being with her, etc, she still helped me get over my lingering depression about my body and encouraged me. Even now, months and months later, me recalling that someone pretty liked my smile or my dorkiness; helps me feel better.


Bootysquid65 April 6, 2020 7:02 am

I'm scared of falling in love because I feel like if I love someone they will soon get tired of me and leave I kinda feel like my looks aren't that good either. But for some reason I looks at all these romantic and sad comics I watch and I tell myself whatever relationship I have it will never be as beautiful as the ones in the comic. comics like those Are lies that make me happy yet sad. i am not trying to say anything insulting but The world we live in now as in real life its way more messed up than i ever imagined. So i feel like i will never have a beautiful or thriving relationship. And sometimes i worry if my kids will go through anything because something happened. I feel as if i would not be a good. mother and raise my children the wrong way.

FieryRedHead April 8, 2020 9:18 am

I understand what you mean.
I hope one day you can confident about your looks and find a good relationship, but yeah, a lot of relationships are not as nice as in fiction. I feel like a lot more people like the idea of love rather than being in it or they care about hookups etc. Although, some relationships still can thrive!
The world has become better, but still has a TON of problems. I guess every good, must have a bad.
I know a lot of people that doubt themselves as a parent, heck I do sometimes when I think about (I still really want kids either way). Everyone gets hurt, being a good mother is about being there for your kid. We can't protect them forever. :(

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