Am I the only one?
I have this strange phenomenon happening to me for years that I simply call intuition but sometimes it bothers me because it's always spot on. So what happens is that everytime my brain said something, it usually happens, or when I look onto something quite a while than a glance, my brain just know something will happen to that certain thing (gets?).
Recent example is my cousin's front teeth, I was looking into it quite a lot yesterday and my brain said he should take care of his teeth more and later that night, it was knocked off while he was playing basketball, it's ridiculous and random or maybe a mere coincidence but it really happens everytime. Or when my brother's cat was staying outside and my brain was telling me to get her, and I forgotten to do it, later that night my brother was crying while punching the wall because his cat died when hit by a motorcycle. Or when my brain would randomly tell me numbers (like out of nowhere) and would (magically) predict the first two numbers of a lottery EVRY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. It's really bothering up to this point.
Me when I drink too much capri sun
29 12,2023