Okay so my friend was getting a rash on my armpits and I asked her how often she wore deodorant and she said that she wore it before bed and is that normal?? Because my other friend said she did that too.
I just put it on in the morning because I take a shower before I go to bed almost always and even if I sweat no one’s going smell me.
Plus they say they sweat too much (which I’m not convinced it’s that much of a concern for smell because i sweat so much i even sweat when I’m cold and as long as you shower often hygiene and don’t have other issues you should be fine) but if they’re so concerned shouldn’t they also be wearing antiperspirant?
I knew my friend wore it to bed and sprayed herself with a ton of perfume after showers and before bed because she visits often and we tend to stay in the same room but I just thought it was because one of our school assholes told her she smelled everyday (she doesn’t like wtf??) but now I’m wondering how common this is if my other friend does this too.
To me it doesn’t seem healthy because I feel like you should let your skin breathe, kinda like taking off makeup, but I don’t know now, thoughts??
Find out what your friends are using:
- Antiperspirant/Deodorant combos are all that I'll use. Antiperspirants are purely to stop the sweat from happening. Deodorants are purely for the pretty smell. They end up working better together. Some people can only use one or the other for medical or religious reasons. The active ingredient in an antipers......
16 12,2023