I hate all billionaire celebrities, i think they are all evil capitalist pigs, but Taylor fans are a whole new level of delusional. "Taylor Swift deserves to be person of the year" did they all forget the fact her and her stupid private jet produced 8,250 tonnes of carbon dioxide this year, nearly 1,200 times more than the average person's total annual emissions? How fucking dumb can someone be to genuinely believe SHE DESERVES THAT TITLE? "She doesn't need to speak about Palestine blah blah blah" i swear this people have no backbone, her fans act like shes an iconic feminist but when it comes for her to talk about the women and children of Palestine suddenly she can stop her feminist act? I guess as long the women being murdered are not white they don't fucking matter. White liberal feminism has made this people selfish and dumb.
Well sorry for the rant
if i said this anywhere else i would find my address posted everywhere. Anyway watch moral orel (skip season 1 episode 2 it sucks)

As someone who loves her music yes!
Daily reminder to everyone, that there are no such thing as ethical billionaires. You can't accrue that much wealth without sacrificing some moral and ethical integrity.
no bc ive been saying this shit and literally lost friends for it bc of how delulu ts fans are. its not like shes an especially good person to make up for the negative impact she has on the world being a ultra rich celebrity, nor does she make especially unique or good music. not even her success is so unique and shes still celebrated for being a mid white woman. like shes called the best singer and businesswoman, as if rihanna and beyonce didnt do it better (and first). dont even get me started about her music either because there is much better music out there as opposed to shallow wannabe deep lyrics and shitty melodies with no real rhythm. its just bad poetry on top of shitty overproduced backing tracks. i cannot think of a single aspect of her music that makes it worth listening to because there is ALWAYS someone who does it better.
I saw someone compare her to gaga on twitter and I raged so hard.. like gaga absolutely outsells that flop???
Her fans meat ride her so hard, like Taylor swift isn't a house hold name or anything,.
They need to lower her off her pedestal tbh..
She seemingly doesn't gaf abt the environment either, like her jet emissions are crazy..Least fav industry plant ever tb
Honestly I'm a fan of her, but I can't justify some of the things she's done. Let's also not forget when she dated the 1975 dude and he said some pretty racist shit about ice spice, and then like a bit later she ended up making a song with her. Coincidence? Probably not..
My main issue with TS is how performative her feminism feels. Also not a fan of her voice, but her music is ok.
She's a billionaire white liberal woman, he feminism is not going to be anything but performative