Can’t say I’m anywhere near reaching peak maturity, but I’ll put in my 2 cents. I hate the trope where adult characters get jealous over their S/O’s being within the same vicinity as someone else of the opposite sex. It’s so childish and I get secondhand embarrassment every time I see it. Real adults don’t jump to such unrealistic concl......
2 reply
well some peeps are just hypervigilant and can't help but think of the worst (me). the jealously happens, but irl people would just communicate. in fiction though if they actually communicated and solved problems there would be no plot, wouldn't it?
You wouldn’t get jealous if your S/O just made small talk with someone, right?
Actually it happens ALOT irl, the part where they be pushing/physically harming them is fake though, real adults are too smart to not think of those consequences