Have you ever been mistaken for something your not?
Before I say anything I just want to say I'm not racist or anything I swear
Anyways for some reason a lot of people mistake me as a Japanese or Chinese person when I'm not Like even a lot of my family and friends says I look like that like even a Chinese or Japanese (sorry i don't know
) person says they thought I kinda look Chinese
( or Japanese I forgot since it's been a while)
and I'm not saying it's a bad thing or anything but it's kinda hurtful that people are like omg you don't look gypsy and you should be happy that you don't look gypsy because most gypsy's are ugly like even my family says that to me just because I have really light skin and because of some other things and tbh I think i got it from my grandpa but anyways I'm just so tired of everyone thinking all gypsy's look alike like I literally seen a comment on tiktok saying it's impossible for a gypsy to have light skin
like bro wtf?
I dress modestly and i sometimes wear a head covering so alot of times people assume that I'm a Muslim woman.
13 12,2023