So basically I’m taking a college level calculus class that’s super hard. About 3 weeks ago before thanksgiving break we had a test and I forgot to study so I just used photo math on the test. I was sitting behind someone so I didn’t think I could be seen. Then about a week ago EVERYONE GOT THEIR TEST BACK EXCEPT ME. And I got a 0 in the grade book. I’m so scared idk what I should do. Apparently my teacher lost some peoples tests over the break so that could’ve happened by idk. Should I just except the zero or ask for my test back. Bruh I’m too socially awkward for this I should just studied…MY GRADE WENT FROM A 93 TO A 72!!!!
But idk what happened cause usually if a person is caught cheating don’t teachers like take up their phone or talk to them??? My teacher hasn’t said anything about it at all. I might just take the L and shoot for an A on the final exam to balance it out but if I do that I won’t get anything higher than a B for the semester. What do y’all think I should do???? 【#31293266】
Your fat ass teacher lost your test and Ur gonna let him give you a 0 instead of asking his dumbass to look for it? Me personally
12 12,2023