Has this happened to you genuinely??
So I saw a Reddit post about this guy who got injured and had a dream life for like 10 years in his head until he noticed a lamp had a face and he woke up and it had only been a few second in real life. Then I’m all the comments people were saying they had the same thing.
I’ve never had this happen to me but I do sometimes have dreams as other people. They tend to be death or life-altering moments. I haven’t had that many, but they are unforgettable.
The rest are just recounting if you wanna respond to the question: has this ever happened to you?
My first one was in fourth grade I think and I was this little white, red haired girl who was killed in a war as a civilian. I know I lived somewhere in north Europe I feel and was around 7.
I also had another where I was a rich white boy, around 15 named Damien, in haiti (i think somewhere between 1700s-1850s) and I murdered my girlfriend named rose and she had red hair too. I didn’t have a motive I just wanted to see what she would do and it was so gross I almost threw up when I woke up. I mean, I could feel her nails scratch against my arms and the resistance of the knife to come out of her skin and after the 4th stab blood was coming out of her mouth and she died at my 13th stab I think.
I do have some peaceful ones like one where I was this 17 year old Hispanic girl in the 70s and I had to have lived in like west or southwest America and I just remember getting out of bed, pulled up my garage, sat down on the driveway, and watched as the sun rose. I heard a fire truck in the distance and it felt like such a moment of clarity I had never felt like that before.
I’ve had these really two sad ones, the first where I was a teen white girl with brown hair and I did the thing with this girl and for some reason I had the intensity of as if she was my last breathe. And then after she fell asleep I leaned against the bed and shot myself with my dad’s gun. I would say it had to be between the 1850s and 1890s maybe from the dresses.
The second one was where I accidentally ate my friend or mom or some female girl. I don’t even have a recollection of myself or anything else except for the astounding amount of shame, guilt, and utter despair. I don’t know, someone just told me to eat dinner and it looked like regular meat and tasted like pig or chicken or something like that. Then it was all a blur and people were pointing fingers, screaming at me, and it was as if I could see the plain black words or monster coming out of their mouths. My last thought was thinking “if I could just escape…” and then I woke up.
My oldest I think is maybe the 1680s-1720s or around that time I feel and I was this little black slave boy. I was wandering through a meadow because I didn’t wanna go back to the wheat field and work. It has just rained and it was muddy and I was small so I guess when my feet got stuck when I was crossing the stream I couldn’t get out. I remember opening my mouth and calling but I was deaf I think because the dream was silent. Eventually I fell down and then I got stuck again and eventually drowned.
I have more but they’re not as memorable as these I was just curious if you have experienced these phenomenons because I love to read about them and find them so interesting. So please donate your stories please !!