Scariest Dream Ever?
Have you ever had a dream where you felt true fear?
I’ll go first-
This was just a part of the dream, but I was in my house when I saw a Chinese porcelain figurine sitting on a table right across where I was standing. Suddenly, everything starting to become pitch black, however, the figurine had like this light coming below it, which like illuminated it’s face in a terrifying way. For some reason I was acting like there was a Jumpscare that was about to come, and my panicking rose to THOUSANDS OF LEVELS- like, I was literally screaming “may the lord compel” type shit, especially since I was starting to become hazy and everything was pitch black except for that figurine’s pale ass face jesus
I was getting married. I literally almost cried until i woke up drenched in sweat thanking God.
09 12,2023