I need opinions
Was precalc of physics harder for you? And if you struggled on precalculus, how did you get better?
The rest is just filler so you can just answer the question if you want to.
I’ve heard that physics is like the worse thing imaginable but I don’t feel like it’s that hard. I had some mid terms today and two of them were for physics and precalc. Physics was simple; we had to answer 8 out of 10 free response questions and I really only had difficulty on 3 of them ( now I don’t know my grade but assuming I typically get a 90 I’m going to say it’s somewhere between 80-90). My grade in physics is the highest in my first school (I go to a morning school called governors school and 2nd for primary school, then online class when I get home) and it’s a little low, but hey, it’s my junior year so I’ll take a 91.
Precalc has taken my soul and run into the darkness with it. I haven’t had this bad of a grade since 2nd grade, and that was only because I really struggled with reading and writing as a kid and sitting still/paying attention so much so they thought I had autism
At that time I had a nonnumerical D. Right now I have an 81 in precalc and I just took the midterm. I only finished half of it. I left one page completely blank. I’ve never had even an A- on my transcript since 8th grade and I’m scared that it’s going to destroy my grade. The rest of my grades at low As (around 92-96) and one B+ I feel i can get up with my final presentation. I have like 4.2 or 4.1 right now. I’m scared if my gpa drops I’ll go out of the top ten at my home school and then I won’t look impressive to colleges and then I’ll go to a bad school and my dad will be disappointed and he’ll never have faith in me again. I’m terrified because I got a B+ in 6th grade and he grounded me for like 3 months and I felt so bad I couldn’t eat for like 4 days without throwing up and my grades even dropped which made him yell at me more. I know it doesn’t sound that bad but I can’t go through that this year I’m actually going to lay down and give up.
However, I don’t feel as bad because no one else finished the exam either and most people were hopping to get a 70, but I’ve never struggled so much and I don’t know what to do. I do my math homework three times and feel like I understand the concept, but the moment I walk into the door I forget everything, get a song stuck in my head that makes it unable to think, and I get so nervous I start gagging.
Her tests are impossibly hard to me and I have yet to score above a 75, which is a C in America. This week she assigned a 130 delta math assignment to make us eligible for the curve and gave us three days to do it. It took up all my time so I couldn’t study for any other classes or focus on parts I struggled on in her class and I hate her but the thing is she has 20 years of teaching experience. I had one incredible teacher in freshman year and ever since then I feel like I haven’t had the best of math teachers, but now I feel like it’s just me. My sophomore year I had a math teacher so bad they fired him before the semester ended. They curved the final grade so hard I ended up with an 104. But now that I’m at Gov school, they won’t fire her because they treat the teachers like college teachers. And when I go to the counsellor/coordinator for help she just referred me back to my precalc teacher, and no one is willing to tutor me, so I have no idea what to do.
Can someone tell me how much a C(around 75)(I think it’s unweighted which i don’t really know what that means) effects a gpa of say an average of 95, and which was harder for you, and if calc is harder? And if I do a degree with stem, will I have to retake precalc in college?
If you read all of that you read the prologue and if you didn’t you didn’t miss much basically I’m doing bad in precalc.