Unhinged characters in “hinged” surroundings or “hinged” characters in unhinged surroundings?
Unhinged characters in “hinged” surroundings or “hinged” characters in unhinged surroundings?
Meaning, what’s your cup of tea between:
Painful, dark, traumatic or crazy experiences faced by characters that are just people trying to get through things; lots of emotions, reflection, growth, change etc.
Normal everyday surroundings in the lives of unhinged, “crazy”, dark characters?
For me it’s the former (● ̄(エ) ̄●)
Yes vanilla is my favourite ice-cream flavour
When dropped on Pico ( ̄▽ ̄)
Mine gotta be unhinged characters in hinged surroundings cuz u never know what that mf gonna do next
1 reply
07 12,2023