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06 12,2023
Mine isn't really heavy, but not nothing either. Like, just average ig. It's usually a lot the first and second day and than it dies down. It only hurts first and second day too.   1 reply
06 12,2023
Not really and i also dont get cramps so im alr ig   1 reply
06 12,2023
Anyonecrazylikeme 06 12,2023
My flows light , till i shave   1 reply
06 12,2023
P0ppin' love ♡
06 12,2023
Idk if my flow is heavy or not, mabye on the first day. But anyways, I have my period every 3-4 months, and it only lasts like 3-5 days right, but the CRAMPS, OMLLLLL. I get them every week tho and tha shit be having me contouring like I'm possessed.   1 reply
06 12,2023
06 12,2023
I bleed a lot too my paranoia wakes me up in the middle of the night just to check if it's leaking. Good thing is this is only for the 2nd and 3rd days and it usually ends abruptly on the 4th day   2 reply
06 12,2023
WoahMama 06 12,2023
Yeah, heavy bleeding is the worst. I'm someone who's always had a heavy flow and had more than once accidentally overflowedb large pad or super plus tampon in just an hour or so. My periods are around 3 days and mostly painless though I guess that's a plus. But in the last year, I've been a bit more worried that that's how it is for only one day ......   1 reply
06 12,2023
AkashaTheWanderer 06 12,2023
I track my periods really well. I bleed light for a day at the beginning and at the end, but I have three heavy days, and two medium days. Period usually lasts a week and on the First and Second day, I'm cramping like I'm in labor. Definitely agree with the nappy naps. I fall asleep at noon when I'm bleeding, and I definitely eat more and don't wan......   2 reply
06 12,2023
gentle.note 06 12,2023
My period normally lasts 1-4days, its heavier on the first day, but not really that heavy since I dont really use pads, I just use panty liners (they're more cheaper...). I've never bled through before but I'm paranoid that one day I will. But my cramps are horrid I have them all month round technically, not everyday but every other day, THEREFORE ......   2 reply
06 12,2023
Scout 06 12,2023
i use to be one of the lucky bitches with light flow 3 days max now im huge purple pad every hour or ill leak everywhere for 7 days straight   2 reply
06 12,2023