What do you guys think about people not liking on the LGBTQ community?? I mean it's not like you can make everyone like you.
I just don't understand why people "hate" the fact that other people can also dislike the LGBTQ community but can also respect them as a person. It's feels like they need to be validated and accepted by everyone but to me it just feels like theyre pushing their ideals?? to someone. Also I'm talking about disliking not hating a person. It's not like they are doing any harm in disliking a person being a part of the community?? Im talking abt people not harming them physically because even if we cannot help it people do tend to be hurt mentally either unintentionally or involuntarily after all we as humans have are weak in nature. I'm not pretty good with my choice of words but pls dont come at me Im asking since i also dont know why.