
[DELETED] [DELETED] 2023-11-30 18:19:50 About receive kabedon
Why do wizards always have long hair? Is there a law that they must grow their hair out to their crack? Is it like rapunzel? The longer the hair the stronger the powers? What is the reason?


Cumdumpsterforanyonesearching November 30, 2023 7:28 pm

Prob cause they usually live for a very long time and after a while they just stop cutting it cause they don't care about it. Or maybe the powers cause for the hair to grow faster.
Im not sure tho, good question

[DELETED] November 30, 2023 8:55 pm

If they aren't in a rapunzel situation then they're just lazy fucks so you're telling me you have time to go shoot spells out of ur ass and make up new things but u don't have a spell to cut ur hair? Holy shit and I thought I was a procrastinator


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