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I used to be the youngest so I was used to being doted on but when I got a bit older I became the middle child ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ It sucks because you usually get the hand me downs from the older sibling while the youngest gets all sorts of new stuff. Im not being whiny, but this sort of stuff just accumulates~   1 reply
30 03,2020
So, sorry breaking the rules here but I'm the youngest in my family. I am not as doted on as people would think. My older sister who is a middle child cuts me off at almost every sentence since I'm soft-spoken and will retain my parent's attention. I'm not going to say I'm perfect I have cut her off a few times myself but it's usually because I say......   1 reply
27 04,2020
Honestly being a middle child is the worst. All the love goes to my youngest sibling and all the praises go to my oldest sibling, no matter what I try to do I never get anything. I'm always blamed for stuff I never did and I'm mostly ignored otherwise. I honestly wished I was born a only child.   reply
27 04,2020
I mean it kinda sucks but it could've been worse? My older sister got a huge quinceañera she didn't want but got because she was the first girl in the family. I begged for one and didn't get it. They did a huge party for her high school graduation because she was the first in our family to graduate... I got a small barbecue. My younger brothers th......   1 reply
27 04,2020
I agree with everyone. It sucks to be the middle child. Even when my friends came over to my house they would point out the fact that I was obviously not the favourite. It was honestly so embarrassing. I always get blamed and at one point every time I even laughed I would get criticized. I was called fat and ugly by my family even infront of people......   reply
27 04,2020
Well. I only have one older brother. However, I do have two baby cousins. Everybody has their attention on them. Which I'm glad for. I like being left alone. If I was to summerise how I feel into two words, it would be "mixed emotions". On one hand I wished that my parents pay attention to me in a good way, while on the other hand, when they get to......   reply
27 04,2020
I am a middle child, but I honestly feel like my dad (who raised me and my siblings primarily) treated all of us like crap. If one person fucked up, we were all essentially punished. I definitely fell that my older brother and younger brother got a lot of the attention. My dad would always set up extra curricular activities (like football for my ol......   1 reply
27 04,2020

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