I Lost weight and I still am...In a weird way tho but then a good way

Aye_Inthere Aye_Inthere 2020-03-30 04:10:36 About lose weight
It all started randomly I was 250lbs (And a huge lover of food [like hardcore lover])but I wasn’t happy of how I looked or how I felt. I would be out of Breath all the time and I just felt like I was drowning myself in my own fat. One day I went out to eat at a restaurant and I don’t know why ..but I suddenly didn’t feel hungry ..I just felt numb and food started tasting like nothing. I felt empty for some reason and days would pass by so fast and I was Just there..numb..everything was tasteless. I wanted to cry because I didn’t know what was happening to me but nothing came out..I wasn’t able to cry. I would forget to eat because I just didn’t feel hungry at all. I carried my feelings and my non existent hunger for months. Naturally I lost a lot of weight. I battled those feelings within myself and I randomly decided to exercise and I don’t know why but I felt so alive ..feeling my heart beating so hard and the rush of energy I felt made me happy(for some reason). My appetite came back ..I was happy.. but I also have already lost 50lbs so I wasn’t gonna let myself go back to my original weight. I started cutting my portions by half. Replaced cokes and juices with water. Replaced sweets and snacks for Baby carrots and fruits. I exercised for 1 hour every single day. I lost about 40 pounds by doing that for a few months. By going through all that I lost like about 90 pounds in less than a year. I sometimes still go through those appetite less episodes but I push through that negativity. I also sometimes go back to old habits but I also push through that. And yea that’s how I lost weight.....hopefully it was helpful :)


snowbluejewel March 30, 2020 4:19 am

Thank you for sharing this. I myself may not be on the larger size but I have been having trouble with eating a good size portion of food and would like to start exercising but I never got around to it. I think I might after this. I hope you will stay strong and continue to treat yurbody well and to also treat your mind well.

Yaoi~For~Life March 30, 2020 4:18 am

Thank you for this!
Actually I have hard time losing weight
Because of my parents
They always forced me to eat too much then after we eat they are going to say that I already look like a pig
I want to ask what kind of exercise do u always do??


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