
[DELETED] [DELETED] 2020-03-29 06:31:47 About lose weight
I really want to lose weight but I can only eat certain foods and I don’t understand why I guess it’s just different textures mixed together. I just want to eat healthy but I can’t because it makes me want to gag


The only boi March 30, 2020 9:07 am

If texture is the problem then you need to do some investigating. Start actively looking for what foods don't make you feel like you are gonna gag and make a list of what foods you can and can't eat. Keep track of what kinds of foods they are and facts about the nutrients if you are feeling up to the task. Try meal planning and making sure you get a good balance of healthy food that doesn't make you uncomfortable to have to eat it.

Also if you are taking medication (specifically ADHD meds but a lot of medications can do this) or if you have been feeling unmotivated, depressed, or anxious more than usual you should talk to a medical professional as some of these symptoms can explain why you feel an aversion to eating food. Definitely talk to somebody if this aversion is something new but even if it isn't a medical professional can help work with or around it better than some strangers on the internet.

Good luck with getting healthy!

Flowering.Ace March 29, 2020 3:01 pm

Reminder that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're excercising constantly and you see your weight going up, it's ok! Burning the fat and replacing it with muscle is what happens! I had weighed 150 three years ago and was a bit chubby for my size, but after alot of excersise (I got a job as a cart pusher) and 3 moderate meals a day, (mind you I love junk food, AND healthy food so I would still eat sweets) I lost 20 pounds, and then gained it back in muscle gradually and am now almost back to 150 after 3 years.
So don't be discouraged. Loosing weight is different than getting in shape. And sometimes loosing weight isn't healthy for you


lose weight

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