Master of Master ruined dogs for me. I just finished reading it and what da hell was that...
The whole pet turning human has never been my thing but then I read Wolf in the House and I was like ok that was cute, so I decided to give the plot another try by reading Master of Master and I regret so much
. Horrible experience -100/10.... Especially the side story with the mop dog. Like hell nawwew, not only did bro need melanin with those dread locks but his behavior was not cute at all. I was reading the comments and ig ppl really liked him but me personally, I'll pass. I'm actually scared of dogs now, I'm traumatized, scarred, concerned, and in need of therapy. If we lived in a universe where dogs had the chance to turn into shitty humans I would literally pee myself. I can't even look at a dog rn, I don't want a dog near me for at least a month
Thx author of Master of Master

My master is still on going?
I dropped that shit 2 years ago
Ohhh I think that's a different one lol I was talking Abt one called Master of Master which is completed lol
Oh my bad
Lol if it makes you feel better, wolf in the house is coming out with a sequel soon! Maybe that can cleanse your soul.
It's already released in Korea! So it should make its way here pretty soon!
Thx for the good news!!