Made a post and looked through my replies, had a conversation with this person and called them out on a few issues but then they just deleted my comments multiple times and all the others that didnt agree with them and pretended like nothing happened. They called me chronically online yet assumed anybody who diagreed with them automatically was looking for an arguement, childish and emotionally immature behaviour.

Honestly ate that pussy and that ass, butt my questions is, how the hell do yall talk professional and especially in big words liek
Legit the first time I read mango drama and I'm just sitting here nom nomming popcorn as I watch this all happen. And let me tell you - it's the funniest shit I've read today. I didn't even know you could delete someone else's comments, but then again I've never actually posted anything on mango whatsoever.
Coming back to this, I find it amusing how one's words don't seem to sink into the other's head. It's as if anything that Toilet Terrorist said was going in one ear and out of the other. I'm giggling and kicking my feet right now upon seeing how the stubborn people are the argumentative ones after throwing tantrums about not wanting to argue with people that badly - even taking it as far as deleting comments to avoid that from happening
damn they hate ur ass all of them arguing with u LOL
You guys fr having such a heated discussion over fictional characters like why
cuz theyre just deleting any comment that disagrees with them
the way they got mad for getting called out, they should've expected it lmao
Last time I checked, don’t you get a notification when ur response/comment gets deleted? Which means that you didn’t go out of your way to make sure ur comment got deleted (if I remember correctly again) but them going out of their way to delete a bunch of comments they disagree with seems more chronically online if u ask me
Me deleting a comment is More chronically online than making a whole forum just bc i deleted a comment?
no, you don't get notifications
Ok but look at it this way
Someone expressed their opinion by disagreeing with urs
Instead of letting them express their opinion aka their basic human right, you instead delete their comments cuz u don’t like that a stranger on the internet doesn’t 100% agree with u
Their reaction is to show others that you don’t like receiving criticism/ a different opinion
I personally don’t think that’s weird or chronically online, sure you could’ve spoken in private but then you could’ve easily ignored them
All you gotta do is learn from this basic internet experience that:
1)as long as what they’re saying is true and not hateful in anyway, it’s basic online etiquette to not delete their comment even if you disagree with it
2) u could always agree to disagree, a very peace solution if I do say so myself
Oh, then I must’ve mixed it up with a different feature
Okay but tbh I genuinely didnt realize toiletterrorist was such a psycho, I genuinely thought deleting the comment was the easiest most peaceful solution. I didnt want to argue. LITTLE DID I REALIZE bro would comment FIVE times and then make a whole ass HATE POST for me cause i deleted a comment to avoid confrontation…….so really youve gotta admit hes way more chronically online than me,
Like ya ofc i couldve just left the comment, but I genuinely didnt realize it was that big of a deal like its a fucking manga… aint ever that deep yk
Hate post? All i did was call you out on your behaviour, youre just throwing around insults because you cant formulae a proper response. I wasnt arguing with you, i was disagreeing with you. Avoiding confrontation is avoiding accountability, you cant post an opinion with no consequences. Its the internet.
Hold on, youre mad bc they didnt give you the attention you wanted? Bruh deleting your comment is as good as saying “i dont wanna talk to you”. And you can’t take that hint so bad that youre even making separate posts about them… All this over a manga, crazy
You have common sense. A rare gem. Bros treating me like I committed a warcrime cause I deleted a comment
Calling you the chronically online one... I can't
Bros definitely the type to delete comments proving them wrong
I know right. Like ya i read a fair bit of manga but bro is EVERYWHERE arguing with EVERYONE over EVERYTHING. Its crazyyyy. Like no matter what i click on toilet terrorist is terrorizing random ppl. And the best part is that i deleted their comments MULTIPLE times and they still didnt get the hint. Crazy.
Truly mangago's strongest keyboard warrior o7
But you know what could work just as much in showing u don’t wanna discuss something? Ignoring the comment altogether rather than going out of ur way to delete it
Yes, maybe the op should have simply ignored toilet terrorist rather than deleting it, the only way to end it was to stop responding. And once you share your thoughts on the internet, you have no control over the responses, you can only control what you post.
You literally follow a pedophile, dont get me started.
Yall will just throw out whatever words you can think of huh… Anyway back to you, wtf do you mean by “calling out them out”, “taking accountability”, “consequences”? Twitter cancel culture has rotted your brain. All they did was have an opinion you disagreed with (about a manga… literally words on paper) and then you go on to twist their words, try to lecture them, and make a separate post for everyone to pile on hate. And I guess it hasn’t crossed your mind to delete this and apologize yet?
damn fuck my reply did not send ok wait let me rewrite this shit.
**Sorry wait, ad hominem, i dont need to use the fact that you follow a pedophile to discredit your opinion i can just prove you wrong normally. My bad.
Im not mad they didnt give me the 'attention i wanted' i just pointed out their pure hypocrisy. Deleting a comment is not the same as saying 'i dont want to talk to you", thats ignoring a comment. Dontfetish said that they acknowledged we all have different opinions but they deleted any comment that opposed theirs. Seems like they can accept the fact that people have their own opinions because any sort of disagreement with theirs gets removed.
Apologize? I havent done anything wrong, i dont see where ive twisted their words. Can you show me examples?
" Anyway back to you, wtf do you mean by “calling out them out”, “taking accountability”, “consequences”? "
What are you asking me here?
"Prove you wrong" why is everything a fight with you goddamn. All they said is the abuse is *in their opinion* realistic and you went off on them. Deleting ur reply isn't "avoiding criticism", it's literally not that deep at all.
"Nakyum was seunghos victim" when did they say otherwise?
"Nakyum's abuse was romanticized. How is that realistic?" when did they ever say *that* was realistic? They didn't give any opinion about that before you brought it up out of nowhere.
"I wasn't look down on your opinion" then why'd you say you are objectively correct? Why'd you make this whole ass post to shit on them? You're "holding them accountable" but to *what*? Genuinely how was deleting your response this offensive to you? You're talking like they're a whole ass criminal. Babes you're the harasser here.
nah bc they a pussy, puttin out a bold ass public-opinion yet don't wanna get criticized from it, hypocritical lmao
justifying abuse and rape yet still had the nerve to say that, they got balls but def misplaced it where the brain should be
Did you just skip over the part where i said its horrible abuse, not to be romanticized n stuff, like I literally wrote its NOT a fluffy romance. Where am i justifying abuse i said it was interesting to see how abused ppl often become abusers, NOT that it was right lmao.
it protrayed unrealistic ass abuse idk where the realism part you talking about? so he abused him physically and mentally, raped him yet somehow him just start to realize what he did was wrong is apparently redemption arc?? no he just gained self awareness "giving his life for the person he loves" first that's not someone he loves, that's his victim, second that's like if a rapist sacrificed themselves to keep the victim alive, that doesn't erase what they did to the victim
People are WILD!
~ Urah
I commented ewww a few hrs ago and they deleted my comment almost instantly
they feel attacked cause yall telling the truth they couldve just ignored it since yall were just saying your opinion but they just wanna act you guys were attacking them
They hate any form of disapproval, its impossible to handle.
Right I don't understand why they didn't just ignore instead of deleting like u don't even have to reply back
Fr! On the Internet too?!
So you're a psycho because.... Let me check my notes, give me a second this may take a while.....
You pointed out inaccurate information in ones opinion?
Opinions can be wrong, I don't think I people understand that. Because wrong opinions come from a lack of not using facts. 'The earth is flat.' IS an opinion. But it's wrong.
I honestly smell a conspiracy.
~ Urah
Idk what story or characters you’re talking about but tbh ur probably right. I hate when people go blind TO OBVIOUS ABUSIVE CHARACTERS! LIKE- PEOPLE FORGET THAT “It’s in the past, don’t worry about it” DOESNT WORK FOR VICTIMS. WE RELIVE THAT SHIT MAN… -A irl victim who’s still DEADASS recovering
it's that god awful pton story
Idk that story tbh I tend to avoid popular Yoai cause I know damn well that Fujoshis are hyping that shit up and it’s just some poor guy getting tortured.