[DELETED] [DELETED] 2023-11-10 23:12:32 About weirdest thing you like to eat
I fixed it after crying from yall's hateful ass comments #bringbackbullying


轻轻落下来的叶子 November 26, 2023 10:34 pm

When you drew this... did you zoom in while drawing the upper body?

Because dispropotionality can come from people just not looking at the bigger picture (literally).

Like, zoom out and her legs and her lower waist are 3/2 of her body.

Her upper body is bent, which probably gave you a false impression of her actual size in comparison to her head. Literally, if you just made the upper body... larger it'd be better.

finally, for her face, unless she did severe plastic surgery, no one naturally looks like that. Noses are really contours rather than lines. I draw faces pretty often, and I don't draw lines for noses. There aren't any. It's a shading scale, not an actual like from x to y.

the biggest problem is three dimensionality, which you attempted, or maybe you attempted without attempting. idk but I'm sure in actual art school, they make you draw skeletal structures of various characters because that helps with proportionality. Manga artists... sometimes don't need to worry about this because of how manga is drawn. Your style does.

You can tell it's a problem from where hand meets body (the lower arm). It's supposed to wrap AROUND the waist, but it looks like it's going INTO the waist. Maybe practice drawing hands specifically?

Oh, and your boobs are more like the boobs of an elderly. Manga isn't wrong in how boobs are tightly packed together in clothes sometimes. Clothing usually pushes boobs together and up. Your bra just covers it, which is characterisitic of some bras, but it can look strange.

Other than that, it's actually not that bad. It's just, comic book style... on a manga website. Weird place to put this-

Basically, you're art is the drawing of william ainsworth's work, which was summarized as "in many ways, the parts could be said to be greater than the whole".

cocopuffs November 26, 2023 10:40 pm

you gon make her cry

轻轻落下来的叶子 November 26, 2023 10:45 pm
you gon make her cry cocopuffs

constructive feedback helps people grow past their bubble of 'I'm going to pretend that what I did was near perfect'

only by accepting the fact that we all suck will we move forward and do something truly amazing

that and it was fun (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

cocopuffs November 26, 2023 10:46 pm
constructive feedback helps people grow past their bubble of 'I'm going to pretend that what I did was near perfect'only by accepting the fact that we all suck will we move forward and do something truly amazin... 轻轻落下来的叶子

true she gotta do better

gupunk November 26, 2023 11:06 pm

I meant to have her back bendin like that and her hand restin on her stomach? Honestly it do lowkey look weird, but im prolly nit finna use that sketch.
Also i dont get what you mean by elderly boobs lmao woman dont have perky ass boobs, they go down and im saying that rn as im lookin at my own lmaoo
An her face really isnt meant to be realistic, my art style is semi realism, i love drawing bratz doll typa faces.
But yeah thanks for the critique lmaoo

Mika November 27, 2023 5:50 am

sry but this sounds more like ur insulting than giving actual constructive feedback u doin my girl dirty w all that writing w/out even considering their style and intent Fr- (art’s supposed to be fun and actual constructive criticism doesn’t have all of that extra backhanded comments u gave esp ab the elderly boobs and “comic style” being weird to put on a “manga” site) *no hard feelings just think ur approach is kinda excessive*

Mika November 27, 2023 5:51 am
sry but this sounds more like ur insulting than giving actual constructive feedback u doin my girl dirty w all that writing w/out even considering their style and intent Fr- (art’s supposed to be fun and ac... Mika

Oopsie guess I didn’t click reply

轻轻落下来的叶子 November 28, 2023 1:03 am
I meant to have her back bendin like that and her hand restin on her stomach? Honestly it do lowkey look weird, but im prolly nit finna use that sketch. Also i dont get what you mean by elderly boobs lmao woman... gupunk

someone made me realize I was being overly sarcastic so um sorry about that.

in case uh my sarcasm irritated you enough that the points were clear I'll list them out.

1. proportionality, look at the image as a whole when you draw or have a small thing in the corner to check cause, it'll help with the 3/2 of the body is leg. like I draw with pencil and pens so whenever I look it's the entire thing idk you digital people though-

2. dimentionality, which is pretty hard, but in a sense her lower hand is going into her waist. um I think, personally, it's to do with 1. the shape of her hands, 2. the angle. Her arm has to be like a hand's width away from her body to be in that position, which is awkward, and it's rotated into her body, which doubles the issue. We see the hand being infinitely close to the body, even going into the body for that reason, probably.

You're actually better at faces so why do cheek bones portruding make poofy cheeks? is sort of the matter here. How does turning an arm away and hand inside make the arm look like it's going inside? why when drawing crossed arms they look flat is also a big issue.

I thought you wanted to draw realism because some people I know start off drawing like how you drew TO draw realistically... like they dunno shading so they draw they nose. sorry if I misinterpreted that-

(also idk what you are talking about, my um boobs are pretty perky??? perkier than in the pic at least- maybe- maaybe yours is just flat (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜)

gupunk November 28, 2023 2:01 am
someone made me realize I was being overly sarcastic so um sorry about that.in case uh my sarcasm irritated you enough that the points were clear I'll list them out.1. proportionality, look at the image as a wh... 轻轻落下来的叶子

I get that you want to help, but your judgment's are made off the assumption that this was a complete drawing, its just a sketch. Also, theres plenty of artists that use lines to define faces, i think its called contouring? But I really love to draw in that style, and I shade later, the lines are like a guideline for when I shade, also it makes my sketches look more coherent and defined. Maybe you just dont dig this artstyle? You were suggesting I do puffy cheeks but I dont think thats valid criticism, i was going for a sharp face.
I dont rlly get what you mean about the legs, they dont abnormally long to me? Maybe the knees are a bit weird, but it was kinda just a messy sketch, idk can you describe whats wrong with the legs? Should the torso be longer?
I think you should know that in real life some peoples proportions are different, like some tall people when sitting down are the same height as their shorter friends because they have longer legs and shorter torso or a shorter friend can be taller when sitting since they have shorter legs with long torso.
Idk though, maybe that aint the case for mine lmaoo?

轻轻落下来的叶子 November 28, 2023 3:46 am
I get that you want to help, but your judgment's are made off the assumption that this was a complete drawing, its just a sketch. Also, theres plenty of artists that use lines to define faces, i think its calle... gupunk

um I didn't mean puffy cheeks like puffy cheek (that was a really bad expression-). I mean, exactly the contouring. It's a good thing- I mean it like, for the hand, it's sort of the same thing with the face. The face you use lines to make it poof out (sharp in your case) BUT the point is that the lines can make it either look like it's going in, or going out... The hand is sort of in the same position, except it's going in, which might be a choice, but it creates the situation where the hand looks like it's going into the body. idk if that made any more or less sense.

Unless... your purpose was to make the hand go into the body, or you were planning to add clothes, which would also give a sense of distance, but not much.

Also, you can draw bodies however you want.

But you'll have trouble with backgrounds if you ever want to draw those as well (in the future) because rooms also need to be proportional to body size and length and hiding leg behind a chair. You'll also meet a bump with multiple people in the same frame in full-body picture. Hugging, holding hands, and all that becomes troublesome if you need to think about how their legs fit against each other.

If you want specificity, it's the angle of the spine. Try to do that in a mirror and you'll see what I mean. Bend your back and use a protractor and see if you can fit an entire section of your lungs to to the front of your chest and another part at the back. It'll work if she was lying down, but she's standing up.

What I mean by the legs, is that they are too long and too large for the upper part of their body. Specifically, you've bent the spine enough that it's folded. This makes the upper part of the body look thin AND small, which doubly causes the legs to look too long. It's not just that, but the shoulders are suddenly widened to match, which makes the spot where you pushed out their chest awkward. People are pretty rectangular honestly. Um look at old fashion drawings. Their legs are actually pretty much like yours, but theirs is more comfortable to look at because they know they have to balance out legs clothing with upper body clothing.

So they compensate. There was this really famous JP fashion designer from the 1970s-1980s (?) who had these HUGE shoulders. Like, shoulder pads. But it was ok, because they wore big coats and the accentuated the fact that the people underneath weren't that large. The contrast between their pants, made up for the shoulders.

Like idk, if you have a big butt, usually you'd aim for bell bottoms cause it'll balance it out. Or unless you're an idiot that decides to embrace all bodies in all dress manners without any question regardless of style or form because even a picture of paraphilia is questionably a good symbol on anybody at any time. All hail all phallic symbols of style - I am waiting for the day we degrade ourselves to the point where that's the case. I do hope I die right after it. Might as well wear nothing and embrace nudity.

Anyway, same thing. It's a matter of balancing her shoulders, head size, and uh chest with her lower body. You could change the spine, honestly, actually, straighten her spine a little bit and keep the proportions and it'll seem less like she's being pulled apart. Her chest is pushed out to a degree that it's forcing her lower body to compensate. Except her lower body isn't.

Um, even if you shorten her legs, it'll still look awkward because of her chest. It'll just make her chest prominent, and exaggerate the fact that her spine is being pushed out.

idk if I wrote it already, but seriously, go to a mirror and push your spine out. Try to pose like she is. It'll help because even if you are drawing someone with a different body type, there are anatomical similarities that are attributed to everybody.

Honestly, I've seen ballet dancers do that, but their legs are positioned in the same line as their waist (draw a tangent line at the upper part of her waist).

I know it's a sketch. But, you posted it on a website that has people begging strangers to round their stomachs with imaginery kids, so you automatically sign up for someone to offer advice, regardless of how mean or rude it is. Idk what else you could have possibly thought of when you posted it.

You can draw however the hell you want. I just thought it would help. Though I understand how you might not see it the same way as other people do. When I look back at what I draw, I don't understand what part of me thought of it as ok.

(⊙…⊙ ) I really don't.

(again, I'm sorry for the um beginning post. idk why I was very sarcastic in it Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) please forgive uh madam or sir or theysirs? madamsirs? Theydam?)

cocopuffs November 11, 2023 12:18 am

she dont even got nails and her fingers look broken

gupunk November 11, 2023 12:20 am

Godamn girl you are so hateful what else you want from me woman/them/man/enby/dogself/alien!

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