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Peepaw 08 11,2023
Tbh it's a bit more complicated than just "fujoshis love gay sex." A lot of times it is that bcuz fujoshits r weird af, but there can be like an actual reason behind why someone would enjoy mc x their male friend more than mc x their female love interest lol. Long ass rant incoming I looove this topic It's because female characters, especially in......   3 reply
08 11,2023
I just want to give my 2 cents, and no I'm not defending anyone. I think it's important to remember that a lot of action/Shonen manhwa & manga typically have very poorly written female characters. Sometimes they exist solely for the protagonist to have a crush on and aren't fleshed out as actual characters. And the romance between them isn't very f......   2 reply
08 11,2023
Don't people realize that studios benefit from shipping fandoms, and they sometimes like to tease their fans about those ships? I'm so tired of people like you crying over people shipping gay/lesbian ships or claiming that 'same-sex friendship doesn't exist these days,' while being fine with people who ship straight ships. You're the one who's bein......   5 reply
09 11,2023
The concept of male friendship vanished into thin air for these women, they will find some way to say the ship makes sense even if the two dudes have spoken once. Like we know you have a fetish bro, the fact that the top comment was someone practically admitting that shit is wild.   5 reply
08 11,2023
all i can say is why do y'all care so much? you won't believe how fucking easy it is to just ignore this stuff. +people can comment whatever they want whether you like it or not   3 reply
09 11,2023
3haru3 09 11,2023
maybe if male mangakas could actually write a fictional woman with more than half a brain and actual depth personality then maybe people would find more meaningful chemistry and start shipping hetero relationships :)   1 reply
09 11,2023
sus15 09 11,2023
i dont have energy in 2023 anymore. just let people ship who they want, i cant even buy eggs in this economy much less give af about whatever this first world problem is thread is on that is spiraling into another everything that woman do i hate jerk circle   3 reply
09 11,2023
this is just like when guys bitch about 'erasure of male friendships in media' ur mad corny   1 reply
08 11,2023
Thalia 08 11,2023
literally me!!!!! i absolutely cannot palette straight romance!! anyways people who ship only staright couples and never gay couples do the exact same thing.   4 reply
08 11,2023
09 11,2023
Just ignore it who fucking cares what other people ship just let them ship   reply
09 11,2023

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