Bruh I feel bad for Gen alpha kids cuz their parent DONT WANT TO PARENT THEM, half them children can't fucking read! Your child can not read because everything they do is watch skibidi toilet and YouTube shorts!
Get your child a book and throw out that DIRTY ass tablet

fr i was talking to my nephew (10) and all he could say was weird ass sneako shit and trying to one up me because he watches sneako but he cant even figure out what's 5*5 and he doesnt even know how to spell window
Break his electronics
Fr, there's been a decline in our grades ever since covid too, I'm worried about our futures..
its VERY worrying
as someone who’s worked in the classroom setting the within the last few years, this is so real
these kids are not being cared for at home, parents drop them off at school and expect everything to be done for them there, PLEASE ENGAGE WITH UR CHILDREN!!! READ!!! DO HOMEWORK WITH THEM!! ANYTHING!!!
Yess, this is so true. There's like 3 boys I noticed don't know how to spell simple words like 'got,' and they don't even know the letters and I kid you not, when I help them, they'll get confused. For example, i'll try to help them spell 'got' so i'll say "spell g," and they'll get confused and say "what's g? how do you spell that?"
and im soo concerned for them cause they should have learned this in kindergarden. and they're also supposed to read their books at home but i can tell they dont.
YES!! like teachers can tell that your child is not reading!! don’t just sign the reading long, please sit down with your child and read with them!! it’s so important for their mental growth as well
*log i’m embarrassed
ITS MY KARMA talked too much shit now i have to pay
cant even blame the kids I feel so bad. you have no parental figure in your life that'll actually make u function mentally. but shit regardless of that some kids jus aren't taught technology or not. feels bad man
This children are being raised by YouTube shorts bruh I wish this type of child neglect could be punished cuz this children are going to grow up illiterate
deadass bro!! its an actual epidemic of new wave children getting destroyed by technology, and also social media. the amount of neglect publicly posted on tiktok and social media is crazy. I can't believe people these days holy shit
this 7 year old boy ik dont know his abcs and cant read but he'll randomly say tiktok phrases/songs
Oh dear lord....this is actually worrying
yeah i try to help him but he refuses to learn. the teacher basically gave up on him cause he never does his work no matter how many times she tries to help him. it's honestly sad :/ this one time they had a test and he just ran to the bathroom and never even did it. he needs to go back to kindergarten. he doesnt know how to spell his own name and not to mention he doesnt know how to copy the letters he sees on the board
Let me do some research and see ways to get him to try and learn. I'm glad at least someone hasn't given up on him
aww you're so sweet. omg i didnt think to do some research.
he has adhd so he gets distracted easily and he gave up on himself so that's why he refuses to learn it's honestly sad to see that he gave up and i cant even have a talk with him cause he keeps lying to me and doesnt listen to me. he just insults me and tells me to go away
Okay i did some research and the most obvious help is to get him adhd medications if he’s already on it here some ways to help him focus/study, i will also add a list of books at the end for preschoolers that might help him with abcs and with basic concept. i will do more research to find ways to get him to not lie and calm him down, PLEASE DONT GIVE UP ON HIM! i know its hard but its very obvous no one is giving him a chance, i dont blame the teacher for giving up as teacher have to deal with many other children and cant give all their attention to one but please dont give up!
To help him focus you can try this steps:
Practice skills step by step
Make him practice listening and paying attention by following directions for a one-step activity (“Turn off the TV”) When he becomes proficient at this, give him two-step activities (“Turn off the TV and go brush your teeth”), then three steps (“Put your toys away, brush your teeth, and get into your pajamas”). Reward him for maintaining attention on his work for a five-minute period, then increase the goal to ten minutes, then fifteen minutes.
Play attention-boosting games.
Radar Focus: The person in the role of radar operator has to zoom in on the person who is talking and maintain radar focus until the person finishes talking. A good job by the radar operator is rewarded with praise and a prize.
Simon Says: This classic is the original listen-and-pay-attention game. (Musical chairs accomplishes the same goal.)
Fit the task to the child.
Short assignments and tasks might help his attention span!
Large tasks should be broken down into manageable chunks. Tasks needn’t be completed in one sitting if it’s possible to leave some work for another time. This allays everyone’s frustration and frayed nerves.
Use self-monitoring and positive self-talk and take breaks.
Now for homeworks and studying you can try this:
Set up a homework stations.
Choose one spot where he can his homeworks everyday, it should be away from distractions like nosy siblings/classmates, the tv, phones and tablets.
The seat should face a wall, not a window. White noise, from an MP3 player or a fan, can help drown out sounds to keep their mind on the work.
Break up study time
Instead of a solid hour, have them tackle three 20-minute sessions with playtime or a snack in between.
Or switch subjects: math for 20 minutes, then English for another 20, then back to math. They'll struggle less, and their work may improve.
Stay on schedule
Kids with ADHD have trouble managing time. They also get off track easily. A schedule can help with both problems.
Ask your child to break down their homework into mini-assignments that take only a few minutes each. Then use an egg timer or alarm app to keep them on task for each section. Not only will it help them, but you won't have to nag as much.
Like the daily assignments, break down big, long-term projects (like a diorama or a book report) into simple steps. Set up a schedule with a due date for each step. These small deadlines will help them get the project done on time.
Plan studying around medication.
A child who takes ADHD medication may study better earlier in the afternoon, when the drugs are still in effect. They may have a hard time later in the evening, after they wear off.
Motivate with rewards.
Now here some children books:
Cory Stories: A Kid’s Book About Living with ADHD, by Jeanne Kraus
When My Worries Get Too Big! A Relaxation Book for Children Who Live With Anxiety
Ellie Bean the Drama Queen
How I Learn: : A Kid's Guide to Learning Disability
My Busy, Busy Brain: The ABCDs of ADHD
A B See by Elizabeth Doyle
Here a video and some cartoons for you and for him
Curious George
Puffin rock
Max and Ruby
Angelina Ballerina
i wrote this in a google doc if you want it you can email me and ill give it to you (๑•ㅂ•)و✧