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hsr_addict. 29 10,2023
You guys actually sleep??   1 reply
29 10,2023
kosmo.dewey 29 10,2023
Senior highschool year is fr fucking me up, I'm at school from 11am-8pm then I go to sleep around 11 pm then wake up at 4am to grind all the subjects that I have to work on. If I'm lucky I have 1 hour sleep at school if the teacher is absent.   2 reply
29 10,2023
29 10,2023
8 pm to 5 am. There's no in between if you're in college. In highschool, at least my 4 hour sleep was consistent :(   reply
29 10,2023
29 10,2023
how yall still alive and kicking? I sleep 7-6 hours a day and still feel tired as fuck without coffee I'm basically a walking corpse.   1 reply
29 10,2023
tongtong 06 11,2023
I usually sleep around 7 am doing not but wasting time but my body feels like giving up to me so I'm trying to sleep at 12 or before 1 am   reply
06 11,2023
7pm i woke up in 9 or 12 am   reply
06 11,2023
[DELETED] 29 10,2023
Is either I sleep early, like at 9PM. or at 10PM. Or kinda late at 11PM Or really damn late, like at 12PM or 1AM. On most nights though, its 12 PM or 10PM.   reply
29 10,2023


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