Public shaming should be brought back. Maybe my sympathy and empathy levels are low, but either way.
Don't bother other people, as always. This is just for showing hypocrisy and not listening.

this will be to start, this is their response to Urah talking about the amount of pedophilia under this manga. as Styx showed, there pedophiles under it.

this is were Stux admittedly got pissed, due to the claim 'We never experienced it.' we talk about it often when the topic brings it up. Mostly Urah and I know Luna will at times ramble about it. But this is where Styx does lose her temper and where the context of Urah begging for an apology.

Styx response is aggressive and admittedly, more mature people are handling the situation of her tempet when it comes to this, now this is where Urah comes in.

this is Urah, Urah saw what Styx did and tried to calm down the situation and tried to explain context to our trauma and them asking for an apology because this woman invalided it because there's no way at five we could've remembered.

them saying pedophiles dont like media with sexualize kids? Which is wrong, as you can see that with many of the comments and media like Black butler/BNHA/and this manga about a 20 year old woman falling in love with a young teen.

again, I will give her this. MOST of them have. There are a few and those that aren't sexual, but it being 'Oh there's nothing too BAD' because dating a minor as an adult is cute.

Again, Urah calmly explaing stuff about saying 'For future reference, please don't call me a girl.' As when people don't know we have d.i.d they call them a girl. Look back at the dm.

Misscommincatuon here with the acronym CSA and Yeah again, explaining no. We aren't.

The aggressiveness about a misscommination over the acronym on CSA but this woman getting aggressive and saying we're not allowed to be on this site. Along with saying Urah is Styx, when I'm assuming there's a clear difference.

Urah again trying to explain things calmly and rationally while apologizing for the miscommunication. While explaing they their trying to help Styx.
Note: Due to the topic, Urah was triggered so they many not make sense. If clarification is needed, I'll gladly try and give it.

even after Urah didn't insult this woman, apologized for Styx insulting them. They're accusing Urah of, which you can see. They didn't and still claiming Urah is Styx. This comes into play later.

Urah again saying they're using the improper terms. As ee're not personalities. We are multiple people. Urah did make a mistake, about medical professionals. However I'd like to say, this woman isn't one of ours. That was Urah point. Though they did get misinformation. Though, I don't expect a nurse to be in this site.

Again with improper terms, and her admitting she is not a psychiatrist but a nurse and diagnosising us with Narcissistic personality disorder. And even admitting she won't apologize for saying they don't believe our CSA and claiming again we're crazy for this disorder. And not listening to a thing Urah said.
As I know this will be brought up. I'm not sorry for this,

This woman kept defending Shota/Loli, Not apologizing for belittling us, diagnosing us, and being abliest, I would've given her a pass for the first thing with personalities. But when Urah said 'The proper term is inteject.' It falls out the window. I don't believe someone who defends Shota/Loli should have a child, or should be in the medical field. That being stated, that is my view. And will be my view.
Again, leave the others out of this. Don't get new people in, and don't bother replying. I hope this showed why Styx feels like she needs to call out this stuff.
For any clarification. Please let me know.
they hate public shaming because they know they are wrong and more people would agree with you, belittling you feeds their superior complex, cannot believe this is an adult
She lost me once she began to mock your disorder, and belittle and blame you for coming across this stuff. Then she had the gall to insinuate that you're lying? That's just deplorable. I'm so sorry you had to endure this.
This behavior, this person and also anyone supporting these type of manga is vile. The type of comments they leave on the shotocon and loli shit is so disgusting, so gross. Ur amazing for bringing this up and actually arguing with this person and acknowledgeing their bad behavior. The whole loli and shotocon shit is literally pedoph1le coded and is literally the biggest flaw of this community that should be way more scrutinized and eventually eradicated dear lord