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I don’t accept any other pronouns except for he/she/they, so any gender other than female, male , transgenders, and non binaries, I find them weird. Those people that identify other then the ones I’ve said above on tiktok or any social media websites are what leading the lgbtq community to destruction. Gays, lesbians, and bisexuals SHOULDNT be......   9 reply
16 10,2023
Heating up water or making ramen in a microwave is disgusting. Use a pot on the stove.   4 reply
16 10,2023
I’ll say this every time I’m asked this question. I hate shippers. “Let people ship what they want, it’s not hurting anyone” and let me hate in peace for fuck sake   2 reply
16 10,2023
Rare pairs are shit, for me, if the two people have never seen nor interacted with each other, I just can’t ship them. The thought of shipping people just cause of their ‘personality’ just sounds boring to me.   4 reply
16 10,2023
dropping something, or not watching/reading it bc of how the fandom acts IS valid like how do u expect me to take something seriously, when in the back of mind i’m thinking about how the fanon version of a certain character is an uwu cinnamon roll twinkie twink and said character is also literally a grown man that’s committed mass murder ┑......   2 reply
16 10,2023
Pasta or noodles just ANYTHING of that sort is nasty as hell   9 reply
16 10,2023
If you’re bad at math you should join a stem field. Like yeah, stem is all about math, but I promise you it will get beat into you so much that you’ll actually love it.   6 reply
16 10,2023
Math is actually quite fun. It's like a whole other language to learn. I'm ngl I find it really aesthetically pleasing when I step back from a whiteboard and it's just a bunch of numbers and I can understand what's going on.   4 reply
16 10,2023
furries are weird. if you want to be a dog so bad how bout i let you live outside in the dog house and let coyotes chase after you. neoprouns are dumb. like i am not calling you kitten/kittenself might as well make your name kitten tf. like they are so gramatically incorrect it bothers me oml. 'they' is a valid pronoun for a singular person. they......   reply
16 10,2023
A lot of shounen mangas are actually very poorly made and seinen mangas as a whole are much more interesting a majority of the time. And isekai stories aren't that bad, it's just that people complain only about the mainstream ones while there's actually a lot more isekai stories that are underrated and rotting away   reply
16 10,2023


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