The Saga of Spotify and Youtube Music (cont.)
Howev'r. Much to spotify's hoyday. This strang'r hast begun walking towards that gent! heart throbbing festinate and dick throbbing festinate'r. That gent anxiously watches that gent as that gent walks towards that gent.
"hey, i did see thee eyeing me earli'r and i wast uh. Wond'ring. If 't be true thee w're int'rest'd in me?" that gent couldn't believeth his ears! of course that gent wast, who is't wouldn't beest int'rest'd in such a dashing fellow?! nay. That gent wilt playeth t merit, that gent couldst just beest wond'ring wherefore someone wast ogling at that gent.
"uhh. I just bethought thee(r) (dick is) very much big. " that gent begins in scarlet, almost as if 't be true that gent couldst heareth me thoughts? nay, yond wast fartuous.
"my nameth is youtube music, what's yours?" oh god this wast very much happening! breatheth. Breatheth..
"Mine is spotify-" and much to mine own h'rr'r, i beginneth to blurt out mine own true desires. "nice to meeteth thee big dick i mean- youtube music. " OH GOD DID I SCREW THIS UP. Youtube music opens his that from which we speak in response.. In the next episode!
my bad i aint know u were chill like that
16 10,2023