Since we're coming clean.
I heard we were shipping mangago users so it's time i come clean and write a fanfic about 2 of the gayest people ik on here
*Toilet terrorist's head pop out of the toilet* *heavy breathing, soaked in shit water* "damn" said the terrorist. He popped up in the right time as no. was showering, a tiny squeak from suprise escaped no.'s mouth, he was booty naked covered in soap. "You look breeadable" terrorist said biting his lips, no. shivers and he stutters "d-do i-i kn-ow you", Toilet terrorist was pissed when he heard those words. "ALL THE ESEX WE HAD AND YOU DON'T REMEMBER ME?!" he said growling. No. could feel the anger as he got down on his knees and beg for forgiveness.
To Be Continued (satire btw
No we are not coming clean, tf.
15 10,2023