Not who do you love, but why?
The questions have already been asked (probably):
(1) Who is your favourite Seme?
(2) Who is your favourite Uke?
(3) Who is your favourite Seke?
(4) Who are your favourite Ship?
But I'm more interested in why. There must be a reason why you're attracted to a character like, for example, Asami in Finder. It might be something like, "He's the baddest boyfriend on the playground and I could really use a fearless power suit guarding my back right now" or more like "Because he's a gorgeous and has a big cock." If you have any reasons for liking a specific character (and you don't need to have any), it would be interesting to learn all about them.
I just cannot answer to 1 and 2 because there are too many that I like.. to describe here (basically they're my perfect men both seme and uke). I can just say that I've just read Playtime with Hakdo now and this Hakdo guy is such a perfect tease, confident, balanced between kindness and slight aggression. He's uke and seme so theoretically seke but......
16 03,2020