There is someone I find disgusting in my class

轻轻落下来的叶子 轻轻落下来的叶子 2023-10-14 23:32:18 About question
tldr: I'm mad

I know this isn't a good platform to talk about this, but I don't like venting to people who I recognize as people. For all I care, you are all potatoes right now.

There is someone in my class that I find disgusting (actually two). I'm in grade 12 right now and she's still in my class. When I was in grade 9 she said, "Your boobs are so big! What's your size, huh? Tell me, what's your size?" in front of some guys. I was so shocked that I couldn't say anything back to her because I was 13 around then and like, idk, stuff like that wasn't something you should say in front of boys. Later on in the year, she asked me if I had ever seen a dick before and that she had. Honestly, I think she's grown some tact from then...

Then grade 10 came around. I was still in her class, but I didn't speak to her that much. And I was pretty much a pushover in grade 10 so I didn't really remark on her all that much. But then grade 11 came around and we had the same English, Physics, and Math class together. Since grade 11, every time I see or hear her, I feel such disgust it's like, knowing she exists causes me to want to retch. I don't even know why, but they way she speaks, the way she walks, down to the way she laughs makes me want to tear her apart.

Like, um, she has a boyfriend and he's the type to earn money and they spend it on her. So, recently, he bought her an expensive bracelet and for the entire morning of math class she displayed it to everyone in her vicinity. Whenever I walk through the hallways, she's literally sitting in the guy's lap. Honestly, that's not the most irritating thing. The most irritating thing is that I know that she's the type to sit in anyone's lap as long as they had a functioning dick. I don't know, but I find the way she conducts herself to be disgusting. She's rude and she insults anyone without any regard and she thinks that it means that she's honest. No, it means you're rude.

We were reading this book about these people at war, and we had to discuss in small groups and there was a scene where these two people were fighting over resources and this person has the sensibility to say they were hoarding like how people did during covid-19. THEY'RE AT WAR. THEY DON'T HAVE SUPPLIES. OF COURSE THEY HAVE LIMITED FOOD. Then I told her (we were assessed for the discussions so I had to do it really... really politely...). AND THIS PERSON IS LIKE... "The shelves are empty b e c a u s e they are hoarding." No, the shelves are not empty because they are hoarding, the shelves are empty because they are at war and no one is sending them supplies YOU IDIOT. Sure, it's not the size of world war two, but a war is a war, supplies are shipped away to the frontline, and they aren't getting replenished as they usually would be. And then she told me 'to sing to my own lyrics'.

Her parents offer her to buy a $1000 phone and she just... accepts??? How do you accept something that expensive? Does she have no sense? It's a lot of money and she had a functioning phone? Better yet, why does she want to buy a phone that expensive? It just bothered me so much, because I feel so bad after I ask my parents for anything. It does not compute in my brain how something like that works. $300 seems expensive to me. And she complains about expenses.

The worst part... is that for some reason... teachers seem to really like her. I don't know why. I don't know why anyone likes her. She's just so rude... Like, is the world's type nowadays is rude loud people that scream independance and women's rights? Is that what people like? Do people think those people are bold and fearless? The epitome of the independant woman? That's not fearlessness. If there was actual risk, actual problems, these people would be the first to run away behind someone begging for help like some whore across the street. It's the people who scream the
loudest that are scared the most. She's designated as the classroom's 'chaos advisor' (yes, my english teacher likes her that much). She's not even chaotic??? She's just good at making my english teacher talk about stuff that isn't relevant to the class.

I know... I'm being too conscious of her, but right now she's in 3/4 of my classes and I can hear her in my sleep and it's driving me insane. She speaks so loudly I can hear her across the room. She speaks of such... mundane and pointless things it makes me want to hit her. I honestly have no idea what she does that irritates me, but watching her laugh - hearing her laugh - makes me want to compare the sound she'll make when she's choking.

Umm... (just in case) I am not actually going to try to kill her- I'm just irritated to the point of imaging malice on her...

AND THEN THERE'S THE SECOND PERSON... She speaks as though she's better than all of us. During another english discussion (it's- preparation for something else) she would 'sum up' what everyone just said.


I think, she wants to be a leader, but being a leader isn't someone who tries to sum up what everyone is saying to direct the conversation in a different path. BEING A LEADER IS BEING THE FIRST ONE TO SPEAK IN A DISCUSSION THAT ISN'T GRADED BECAUSE SILENCE IS DEAFENING. That is being a leader. When no one wants to do something, a leader would step up and do it, not because they want to do it, but because they feel they have the responsability to do it. Being a leader is taking your own desk and moving it somewhere to help someone else get room while EVERYONE ELSE IS JUST WATCHNG THEM STRUGGLE.

Fua... Then there is when she tries to tutor us. We're in a honours program so we learn basically all of first year university content for some classes and our tests are standardized. We also have a bunch of extra stuff, but that's not relevant. The average for our tests is like 60%~70% because of how the tests are kind of weirdly phrased and the markschemes are designed to make you lose marks. She learned some - s o m e - of the content beforehand and for some reason, she decided to tutor people.

I think tutoring is great honestly, and helping other people together is fine. What I do not think is fine is throwing random words that we haven't learned about acting as though she understands it. We were learning a few things about uh atoms and stuff and I had asked a question because some things weren't adding up. Apparently, the question I asked was in relation to our next unit. So our teacher decided to give us preview. But the thing with our teacher is he's retiring next year, his wife has cancer, and his entire family had gone under a round of covid so he needed to think a little. The girl turns to me and starts spewing out words, in a tone that basically meant, "do you know this? oh I know this... this is what it is... did you not know this?".

I would rather learn from the teacher than learn from someone that learned from some youtube videos online.

We used to have an entrance exam to get into the program and now we don't, so the younger years are having a hard time. The two of us plus a few others tutor some people. There was this kid who would come every single day to get help and was trying really hard and math was just not her thing... This person goes up around her and says to another person, "The grade nines aren't doing so well because they got in via lucky draw. They don't have the skills blah blah blah." and the grade 9-student was so awkward and uncomfortable... I should have intervened but I didn't and I feel really bad for not doing it... BUT LIKE DOES SHE NOT THINK THAT IT'S A VERY AWKWARD THING TO TELL SOMEONE THAT THEY AREN'T PREPARED??? They're trying their best and that's the best they can do. If they can't continue, so be it. Their efforts alone will make them successful.

Seeing her makes me want to revert back to the 2D world of anime characters for life. She asked for hugs at the end of exams because she was nervous. It felt disgusting to hug her because she looks down on everyone and I feel disgusted that no one seems bothered. She doesn't see anyone as her fellow student. The only thing of value to her is how high your marks are. Oh, did you get perfect on this test? Good, it was an easy test. Like that's something you should say. What if someone found it hard? What if someone was worried about it?

What part of her nice or unassuming? There is nothing about her that is cute or interesting. She's a different kind of rude from the girl above. She's like those people that think they're better than you for some reason. When you do better than her, she links onto you like a leech and has some desperation to prove that she is better by asking you mundane questions.

We have a curve and if you're in physics the curve is huge. If you took bio the curve is miniscule. So, yeah, I got 80% at the end, but because I did really well on my final, I got bumped to a 97% because at the end it's assumed that I will do well on an exam worth 70% of our mark. Bio kids... are different. I'm guessing it's from experience, but apparently bio kids don't do well on exams at least worse than us physics kids so they're curve is maybe one or two percent. It's unfair, and I don't agree with this kind of curving because it's inflating our marks beyond what we should actually get.

But that doesn't mean that she should complain about it every day to a physics student and it doesn't mean she needs to talk about that one time she spent three hours reading some physics article to prove that she's on the same level as us. She already is. For someone who looks down on everyone in chemistry, she has remarably low confidence that she's smarter or more knowledgable than the people who learned computer science and physics.

The thing I dislike the most about her is how in the presence of people she knows are better than her, she finds some shamelessness to suck up to them. It is precisely that she sucks up to the people who are actually better than her that makes it so that I know she's looking down on the rest of us because of some misguided belief that she's better. If she was stuck up to everyone, honestly I think it would be pretty funny to be around her because at some point it's just... nonsensical. But once there is some deviance, it means that she's aware of everything that she's doing and exactly what it makes people feel. And I think that's the most disgusting thing a person can do to people who are already in a high stress environment.

if you actually read the entire thing... uh thank you... I just don't have anyone to speak to about this so I speak to some potatoes instead. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

Here's a picture of Natsu and Leon because ranting this much isn't good for people...


Pookiebutt December 9, 2023 5:51 am

Honestly, I think I wouldn’t like this person at all if I met them.

Nikki October 24, 2023 8:47 pm

Bro, some scary shit that you wrote
The feminism part and whore thing are so fucked up, investing this much time in a person is also really unhealthy

orangeyeji October 15, 2023 12:32 am

I read everything and I totally understand how annoying they are but the phone part.. If her parents want to gift her something expensive i don't see what's wrong with it..

轻轻落下来的叶子 October 15, 2023 3:22 am

ummm I might have overthought it. I mean there's nothing wrong with her parents wanting to gift her something expensive. It's idk maybe I'm weird, but I wouldn't be able to accept it. Like... our parents already spend so much money on us anyway, to waste money on something that's no actually needed is... idk Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) I think I'm just so annoyed simply her breathing irritates me- Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

orangeyeji October 15, 2023 2:36 pm
ummm I might have overthought it. I mean there's nothing wrong with her parents wanting to gift her something expensive. It's idk maybe I'm weird, but I wouldn't be able to accept it. Like... our parents alread... 轻轻落下来的叶子

Dw I understand, when you don't like someone everything they do annoy you

I have a big d October 14, 2023 11:52 pm

ik ur venting and they sound annoying but this post is scary as hell LMAOAOA

轻轻落下来的叶子 October 15, 2023 3:23 am

Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) what part of it is scary-???

I'm sorry I scared you??? ╥﹏╥

NutMan October 14, 2023 11:43 pm

Listen I could only get through to about the part where you heard her in your sleep and that sounds like tell tale heart, so if this ends with you killing her, please don't do it

I have a big d October 14, 2023 11:53 pm


轻轻落下来的叶子 October 15, 2023 3:24 am

I- I'm not going to kill her-

Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) That's a crime and illegal. People go to jail... for killing people.

(also I- maybe one day I'll hear her heart beating underneath the floor boards or something ahaha...)

alex (11th strawhat) October 14, 2023 11:43 pm

I read alldat, im suprised u haven't gone apeshit cause I certainly would've. like ??? no wonder why your pissed off these people just have 0 awareness of what their doing. also the bio thing... I think that's ur school cause for me bio was a breeze compared to physics or chem. but stick up for urself if they ever piss u off cause once u set boundaries with annoying ass people you finally feel like u can breathe for once

轻轻落下来的叶子 October 15, 2023 3:26 am

(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I wish I could but telling annoying people off is the equivelance of getting a lower mark in collaboration here in Canada... It's special here.

Anyway, thank you for the support...

Honestly after writing it, I'm not even mad anymore hahaha... (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

alex (11th strawhat) October 15, 2023 3:28 am
(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I wish I could but telling annoying people off is the equivelance of getting a lower mark in collaboration here in Canada... It's special here. Anyway, thank you for the support...Honestly a... 轻轻落下来的叶子

I respect yo composure, and lol damn fuck canadians then

sunbeam baebe October 14, 2023 11:42 pm


轻轻落下来的叶子 October 15, 2023 3:26 am


sunbeam baebe October 15, 2023 10:17 am

honestly just don't get into a fight it might ruin your academic record



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