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try reading a book anywhere other than a cafe or library they look at you like youre a pretentious loser who has no friends lol   1 reply
17 10,2023
Making phone calls. I cry scream throw up whine about it up until I actually make a call and when I am doing it I am completely fine with it.   reply
07 10,2023
crossing the street, using my card to pay for things, n running after a bus and still missing it   reply
17 10,2023
Playing I feel like the whole world just judging me when I open to play anything........tbh that feels so bad........makes me wanna run!!!   reply
17 10,2023
Crossing my legs in public, the words gay just echo in my head like war flashbacks from Nam   2 reply
17 10,2023
making a phone call or sending an email for work idk why but that shit is embarrassing   reply
17 10,2023
calling in sick, or asking for less hours. they be judging MAD hard n making me feel bad but at the same time fuck u bitch stop overworking me then   1 reply
17 10,2023
asking to go to the washroom and having to cross the whole fucking class in dead silence cus you sit at the back i hate uni.   reply
17 10,2023
buying something in the mall then a staff comes and help you, makes me not wanna buy. My anxiety cant.   reply
18 10,2023
Holding a presentation in front of the class   reply
17 10,2023

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